Creating and Executing an Actionable Digital Transformation Strategy in Healthcare


Brinda Sereno

Associate Vice President – Experiences

Digital transformation is the process of adding the latest digital technologies to improve how a business works.  Healthcare organizations will perform better by employing updated technology, and most of them are dealing with this shift by creating and implementing digital strategies. For healthcare leaders, this means creating a plan to update clinical workflows using technology, resulting in improved patient outcomes.

In this post, we will guide you in finding the right digital technology that best fits your organization’s vision and delivers better patient outcomes.

Going for Smart Digital System for the Future

Digital transformation is important for organizations. It helps them improve their services and meet the needs of their clients. But it is not always easy to find the right technology to meet your specific needs. That’s why it’s essential to understand your organization’s requirements before making the big move to a “digital first” model.

Healthcare organizations should regularly investigate how to deliver the best quality of care and be more efficient when it comes to customer experiences. Many times, this includes a review of the technology that is being used. Technology has revolutionized every industry, and healthcare is no different. By updating technology, you can simplify your organization’s workflows, leading to improved patient outcomes.

The first thing to develop is a clear understanding of what your organization wants to achieve. Are you looking to improve client engagement? Is there a loophole in your operations that’s draining your resources? Once you identify these problems, you will be better able to map out a plan for digital solutions.

If you plan to improve client engagement, you can start by implementing patient portals. It could be an all-in-one platform where patients can immediately access their health information. From here, they can contact their chosen healthcare professional when concerns arise.

Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Once you establish a clear direction, it’s time to search for reliable technology partners. This is crucial since you want to make sure you’re working with the right people and have the right team who can address the organization’s issues. Look for technologies that have a good track record of successful projects with other organizations.

Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Find Technology that Fits

Data-driven decisions will help in the organization’s sustainability. Access to data is essential to making informed decisions and investing in the right technology combined with strategy.

The use of data analytics will help your team understand how your patients use the portal and the features they find most notable. Then, your team pairs this with technology and works on areas needing improvement.

Using data gives you information about the clinical interventions that are most efficient. You will find other aspects of care across the board that technology can solve.

When you use this information to make sound decisions, the digital transformation can go smoothly and help your healthcare organization to reach its goals.

Bolder Vision with KPIs

Executive health leaders must anchor decisions based on the organization’s ‘North Star.’ By doing this, organizations work on establishing a sustainable case for their business. Without this, it would be challenging to stay committed because of leadership misalignment.

Establishing a clear vision for digital transformation is pivotal for your organization. Furthermore, it will help set goals and KPIs to check the business strategy.

KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are crucial tools any organization should employ. It further helps track your digital transformation strategy’s performance, progress, success, and loopholes.

To improve patient engagement, you can use KPIs showing the frequency of use, patient satisfaction, and the number of booked appointments online. KPIs also help track the technology’s performance and adjust strategies as needed.

Joining Strategy and Technology Together

In the early planning stages, your organization should have already identified the technology that best fits the plan to put in place. During this phase, having key personnel identify their goals with technology will help you to start planning.

Also, with KPIs, digital transformation will help create scalable but realistic outcomes. Each step of this strategy will need a technology perspective, from doing research to roadmap creation.

Put technology to the test

Having a plan beforehand will help make a smoother transition from traditional to digital.

Establishing clear guidelines and responsibilities will help guide the team in what needs to be done and where they need to go. It also allows them to move more in implementing new initiatives with less confusion. The goal is to ensure everyone is on the same page and working toward a shared goal.

Once strategies are already in place, it’s time to put technology to the test before rolling it out for public use. Have a plan to test the digital platform and check for the efficiency of its functions. A process should be in place to help collect feedback and make changes moving forward.

Ensure holistic and technology support

Improving strategies and processes is crucial to your organization’s success. But, pairing this with the right technology makes it easier to scale your business.

With new initiatives, healthcare organizations need suitable infrastructures to support these endeavors. Organizations thrive with the right software, hardware, and networking capacities.

Like infrastructures, having the right people will help your organization adapt to these changes. Working with a reliable team of IT professionals will help. They can provide tech help and assist with installation during your digital transformation that aligns with your organization’s goals.

Progress Shouldn’t Be Delayed

Delaying digital transformation for your business means losing to the competition. Creating a clear strategy and plan ensures your business is up to date in addressing modern healthcare needs.

Incorporating digital technology is essential. Why? It ensures interactions are kept afloat, especially in the healthcare system. Key persons need to prepare for the future by taking the time to create strategies to solve current issues facing healthcare. Leveraging digital strategies ensures exponential growth and better management of resources.


We know that the healthcare system is shifting with the times. And for healthcare systems to stay ahead of the curve, adapting technology is the key to sustainability. And with it, businesses can have more room for growth in the future.

Digital transformation is a journey, not a destination. As you embark on this journey, it’s essential to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

The key is to find what works best for your organization and your patients. Use technology as leverage and a means to help your organization achieve success faster with fewer downtimes and costs.

By pairing a clear strategy with technology in mind, you can ensure that your healthcare organization is prepared for the future.


Brinda Sereno

Associate Vice President – Experiences

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