A culture built on trust


Rangaprasad M

Senior Business Analyst

It’s been a little over 2 years since I’ve been with TVS Next. I joined them as a Business Analyst from a traditional IT Services MNC, hoping to explore how the role is played out elsewhere – how different a BA can be. This time with them has made a world of difference to me not just in a professional capacity, but also as an individual. The one underlying factor I could connect across all these great experiences that I’ve had here is trust — and that’s what this blog is all about.

Confidence in their processes

An ex-colleague of mine had referred TVS Next and I went for the interview expecting a typical Q&A session. Only, it was a very different interview process from what I’d experienced before. It felt more like a series of discussions rather than actual interviews. It felt good knowing that the people interviewing me already trusted my credentials — and they basically wanted to understand my thought process, my preferences, how I approach a problem etc.

I had other offers, but I chose TVS Next firstly because of my great interview experience, and secondly because TVS is a brand name that I felt proud associating myself with.

Expertise counts, not the years in the system

My first 2 months here was a time of heavy learning – about the projects, the company, the people and their practices. My first project involved a healthcare product that needed to be built from scratch. Even though I was quite new in the system, I was part of the team chosen to travel to Delhi to meet the client.

My first client meeting through TVS Next was a unique experience and will stand out for me for a lot of reasons – starting with my own understanding of how a particular tech stack is positioned to what kind of delivery experience the client can expect. But what was incredible to see, was how everyone on the proposal team complemented each other. It’s not just the CX or the delivery head taking the lead, everyone had a part to play. And being new did not matter. I dived right in being the BA. I was given the opportunity to build the trust directly with the client, despite having more senior folks on the team.

Proving your worth as a newcomer in a team and a new employee in an organization comes easy when you’re entrusted with responsibilities right from the start.

Value for individual beliefs and expectations

The learning here is continuous. So is the opportunity to improve yourself. Every 6 months there’s a systematic self-assessment that is quantitative as well as qualitative, based on your understanding of the agreed KPIs and KRAs. In a way, you’re the first to know what kind of career path you’re on and you’re going to be.

I’ve been doing projects end-to-end, but now I feel more equipped to get into a fully consulting role. And this came up in one of my review conversations. We discussed how my interests could align with the organization’s and how together we could explore this opportunity to make it work. The transparent nature of these conversations is one of the other things that I like best at TVS Next.

It’s the people that make the culture

The whole environment here is casual. You simply walk up to someone and end up having an amazing conversation. It’s incredible how even the leadership doesn’t sit in rooms. There isn’t this “boss” culture. Instead, we try to find solutions together to make things better, rather than a “your problem” kind of mindset.

There are people who joined along with me that I’ve built a bond with. We’re all from different roles and backgrounds, so even our casual conversations are a mix of tech and project discussions. It made learning on the job easier.

Most of my project discussions are within a cross-functional team and this becomes insightful and makes decision-making faster. In addition to these team-level conversations, there are thoughtfully curated wellness meets, inspirational talks by external speakers and more such avenues for me to engage with people within and outside of TVS Next. It’s that wholesome nature of being in the office that I miss during these times of extended remote work. Now, I can’t wait to go back to office!

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Rangaprasad M

Senior Business Analyst

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