Improving Automated Software Testing with Explainable AI


Ranganathan Rajkumar

VP - Data & Analytics

Software Testing With Artificial Intelligence AI

Testing in software is essential to ensure that systems are running as they should while producing the desired results. Since systems and applications that use machine learning are notoriously challenging to test, there is plenty of room to fix automated software testing with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Applications that utilize machine learning and AI are typically black boxes, meaning even those that created them have difficulty explaining data results and behavior. Also, given the layers of algorithms present, there is no way to determine if the results they supply are correct. Explainable artificial intelligence may just be the answer needed to any impending AI black box software test.

What is Software Testing?

The definition of software testing is the process of verifying and evaluating that a software application performs the way it’s supposed to perform. However, when we introduce artificial intelligence into automated applications, it can become tough to understand if the given results are correct.

An excellent test management plan can prevent bugs, improve performance and reduce development costs. When machines are learning on their own and algorithms are constantly changing, test results can look completely different than testers might expect. The good news is that it’s entirely possible to test AI and ML applications with explainable AI.

A Look Into Explainable AI

Explainable AI is essentially a type of artificial intelligence that provides system results that humans can understand. Explainable AI contrasts sharply with black box AI systems, where even the designer cannot explain why the AI came to a specific decision. Explainable AI can help us make sense of outcomes, and therefore, test to see if the software in question is making the right decisions.

Development teams worldwide that implement AI should be well-versed in explainable AI. Most companies are all about testing their software, and explainable AI is the way to go in that respect. Here are just a few benefits of explainable AI.

Model Accuracy

Explainable AI determines the accuracy of working AI and ML systems. Accuracy is crucial in any field, primarily medical, as the results our ML applications are giving us have to be correct.


Many business owners (and consumers) across the board worry about fairness regarding artificial intelligence. Explainable AI can level the playing field by helping to produce results that make sense. As new AI regulations take hold, righteousness is one of the main talking points.


Along with fairness comes transparency. Every business using artificial intelligence needs to have complete transparency. Clarity for consumers and fellow business owners is vital to maintaining a good reputation and providing consumers with correct answers. Explainable AI helps maintain transparency by explaining something we might not understand, providing accurate, solvable data.


Explainable AI helps outcomes make sense and lets us know when your machine learning application might be wrong. Not only does this fuel business growth, but it enables you to serve your customer base more efficiently.

The Importance of Testing Software

Regardless of industry, testing software is essential. First and foremost, IT testing saves money, and you can utilize communications between teams to catch problems before systems go live when you know how your applications perform.

Testing also improves consumer relationships by investing in your software. Knowing your software works before a launch solves potential frustrations, and explainable AI is a massive piece to that puzzle.

Testing software improves overall security, and it should go without saying that security issues with AI and ML applications can grow out of control when data outcomes aren’t understood. Failing software sacrifices both user experience and important personal information. 

Finally, testing your software improves the quality of your product. There is no way to tell if a product is good until it’s tested, and if you’re utilizing layers of artificial intelligence, you need explainable AI to help test software.

Explainable AI: The Beginning

Regarding how deeply we could go into the world of AI and explainable AI, we still, as a society, have only dipped our toes in the water. There is so much that artificial intelligence can do for us, but when we don’t understand the answers, it remains irrelevant and even dangerous.

Explainable AI is perfect for automated, artificially-run operating systems. Not only are you making life easier for your employees and teams by automating tedious tasks, but you’re also ensuring that you get accurate data results from your AI by adding explainable AI.

This fascinating and productive technology has the potential to add complete, understandable accuracy to current AI applications. Though explainable AI is in the semi-early stages, companies need to better understand their automated systems. Results for internal and external data require accuracy, and explainable artificial intelligence is the answer.


Ranganathan Rajkumar

VP - Data & Analytics

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