Using AI and Machine Learning for Better Customer Satisfaction


Ranganathan Rajkumar

Vice President - Intelligence

Customer Satisfaction with AI & ML

Without a high level of customer satisfaction, most businesses would cease to exist. There is no way to survive in today’s all-around competitive environment without establishing the role you play in your customer satisfaction with ai & ml are the ways that artificial intelligence and machine learning can yield better results.  

Currently, artificial intelligence is one of the leading technology trends, growing in leaps and bounds and gaining the attention and affection of business owners and marketing teams across the globe. Most brands today prefer to deliver a personalized approach to customer service, and in markets that continue to oversaturate with options, it’s an ideal choice. 

It’s not to say that artificial intelligence should replace the relationships you build with your customer base as much as it should enhance it. With AI-run CRMs (customer relationship management) and CDPs (customer data platform), your business can move ahead of the competition by leaps and bounds.  

The best part? AI no longer comes with a sky-high price tag, letting businesses build through AI and ML without breaking budgets. In reality, most tech leaders are utilizing AI technology, and it shows no signs of slowing down, with substantial projected growth within the next five years. 

So, now that you know that it’s likely quite affordable for you to experience the benefits and perks that come with employing AI when it comes to your customers, how should you do it? While no business is the exact same, particular methods and utilization techniques will ensure you’re using AI to its fullest extent concerning customer satisfaction.

Understanding Your Customer

You cannot sell to a demographic that you don’t understand. The combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning can fuel your understanding of your customer while making them feel seen.

customer satisfaction with ai & ml

It might seem silly, but customers want and expect to feel heard when dealing with any business. If you can tailor your AIML technology to align with that need, you’ll notice growth without question.  

Historical and behavioral data are often tracked by artificial intelligence, and unlike traditional analytics software, these tools can gain a much more extensive understanding of customer behavior. Keep in mind that AI is always learning. 

AIML consistently analyzes new information and combines it with what it already knows to develop solutions and recommendations. Because of the ability of this incredible technology, business owners and marketing teams can predict the behavior of their past, current, and prospective customers. 

When you expect your customer to act in a specific way, you can fully align your content calendar with relevant topics. This targeted content alone will raise the opportunities you have to make sales while increasing social interactions and engagement, kicking off your customer journey the right way. 

Connecting with your clientele personally has become essential in the era of options and transparent social feeds. When you establish a connection, you can build trust, and in most cases, that trust results in loyalty. Brand loyalty on behalf of the consumer is imperative to business growth and survival.  

Remember, you don’t have to be fully present to begin building that connection, as the employment of AI will jumpstart the outreach and response process for you. When combined with NLP, or natural language processing, we can improve interactions and gain valuable insight.

Predictive Behavior and Decision-Making 

In the past, making essential business decisions typically included massive piles of spreadsheets and printed data analysis. Of course, these papers moved to a digital platform with the invention of computers and the evolution of technology, it still took a long time to go through the presented data. 

Today, decisions are made in real-time and, for the most part, fueled by data collected and presented by artificial intelligence. Machine learning has become such a massive part of the customer experience, and this includes influencing the way you make decisions for your business that directly affect your customer base. 

A fantastic example of data presentation in real-time could be the saved interactions that take place between your customers and your AI messaging system. Not only is this technology easy to implement, but it gives you an excellent idea of what the customer is thinking and feeling, heavily based on their responses to straightforward questions regarding their experience. 

When “speaking” to your customers, AI can make decisions related to the responses your customer is typing and base those decisions on similar customers it’s experienced in the past. From personalized recommendations to recognizing and understanding intent, there is little that AI cannot do to move us forward toward our goals of stellar customer service. 

When engaging with AI, customers are often presented with the opportunity to view content curated just for them. There are few better ways to gain sales and new, dedicated customers. Every interaction with your company is an experience, and you want it to be great every time, even if the customer is showing up with a complaint. 

Machine learning works heavily, especially in real-time data, with the concept of predictive customer behavior using data mining, modeling, and statistics. AI doesn’t come up with its answers out of the blue but instead relies on what it already knows to learn even more. AI understands when and how to interact with your customer, and though AI never comes with a lack of complaints, this is where it truly shines. 

If deeper insights are what you need, then AI is the choice you want to make. Predictive analytics go much further than historical information alone, making AI a powerful tool in the customer experience. When using AI correctly, you’re more likely to generate a sale and provide your customers with various ways to form an emotional connection to your brand.

The Pros and Cons of Chatbots

Though chatbots have been around for quite some time in various forms (the help tool on AOL Instant Messenger comes to mind), companies have only begun to use them to interact with customers in recent years. There are many ways to tailor your chatbot, whether you want it to act merely as customer contact or solve mild to moderate complaints.

Today, many businesses employ the use of chatbots to monitor customer interactions, and that number continues to grow as chatbots become more intelligent and efficient. While AI is a fantastic way to interact with your customers, you must remember that you are not providing a substitute for human interaction but more of a placeholder.

customer satisfaction with ai & ml

Yes, customers absolutely want the tailored experience that a chatbot can offer by gathering information, comparing it to past experiences, and predicting how a customer will behave. However, consumers are more than familiar with a company’s use of AI, and they know when they’re not dealing with a human. In many cases, the interaction will result in the need for human contact. 

Utilizing chatbots in your business is all about finding a balance between artificial and actual human interactions. While NLP has made it possible for chatbots to interact successfully while solving various transactional issues, nothing understands your product as entirely as you do. At times, you’ll have to step in.  

Today, chatbots no longer fail when presented with separate topics during one conversation. They can juggle a stream of random questions without issue, providing a service that rivals human contact to an extent. Still, it’s not a replacement for you. 

To fully enhance your customer’s journey, you’ve got to find the perfect combination of artificial and human intelligence to address your customer needs. Once you step in, you’ll have full access to the data collected by your AI, giving you even more ammunition to make your customer’s experience a fantastic one!

Personalizing Your Customer Experience

Your customers already know that you have other customers, but they want to feel that their business is appreciated and essential. Let’s face it, every sale is important, and through hyper-personalization, AI makes it possible for us to convey that to our clients.

AI uses data in real-time to deliver content specific to the current customer’s experience, creating an incredibly convenient way for consumers to interact with your business. Gone are the days of flipping through page after page of products and content.

Instead, you can utilize AI and create the ultimate customer experience through product, service, and content recommendations. Customers despise entering repeat information, such as shipping and email addresses or telephone numbers. When your AI performs a task as simple as filling that information in for them, you’ll be ahead of the game regarding customer satisfaction. 

Customer Service AI Challenges

It’s not to say that AI comes without challenges because we all know that there are plenty. Those challenges aside, recent years have proven that AI isn’t killing jobs or collecting information to use in nefarious ways. 

When used correctly, AIML can absolutely take your customer experience to new heights by creating a targeted and personalized experience from one customer to another. It’s time for your business to take advantage of predictive analytics and super customized customer experiences, thereby improving your customer journey as a whole across all active channels.


Ranganathan Rajkumar

Vice President - Intelligence

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