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June, 2022

Cloud: Gateway to IT Infrastructure Modernization

IT Infrastructure Modernization

People used to have complete control over an organization’s assets and applications, but IT modernization is swiftly taking over. Current solutions give IT teams clear infrastructure visibility, real-time monitoring, and AI integration to automate management.

At first, the cloud was thought to make data centers obsolete, but the opposite is true. Enterprises are adopting a digital-first approach to business. Shifting business processes into the cloud while keeping a few workloads on-premises will accelerate digital transformation and enable IT modernization.

Installing infrastructure in data centers where IoT (Internet of Things) and edge computing operate will help lower latency and steady application performance.

Infrastructure modernization replaces legacy hardware systems and rationalizes and merges infrastructure by maximizing automation and cloud technology to improve productivity, redundancy, and availability.

Cloud Servers

The term “the cloud” refers to worldwide internet accessed servers and the software and databases that operate them. The cloud enables you to access files and applications from any location and almost any device.

Switching to cloud computing can help businesses save some IT and overhead costs. This is because they don’t need to update or maintain their servers; the cloud vendor does it. Small businesses that can’t afford their internal infrastructure can outsource their infrastructure requirements cheaply via the cloud.

How Cloud Computing Works

Cloud computing occurs through a technology called virtualization. Virtualization allows you to create a replicate, digital-only (virtual) computer that operates similar to a physical computer. Such a computer is termed a virtual machine.

Virtual machines can be sandboxed individually to prevent interaction with each other. This makes files and applications on one virtual machine non-visible to other virtual machines despite being hosted on the same physical computer.

Virtual machines also use their host hardware efficiently. Cloud providers can run many virtual machines simultaneously and serve numerous customers at a low cost. Users access cloud services through a browser or an app connected to the cloud via the internet.

Cloud computing differs from the traditional client-server version of the internet. In the conventional client-server version, clients place requests to servers, and servers respond. Conversely, cloud computing responds to requests, runs programs, and stores data on a client’s behalf.

IT Infrastructure Modernization

Types of Cloud Deployment

Cloud deployments depend on cloud servers’ location and how they are managed. The most common implementations are:

Private cloud — this refers to a data center, server, or distributed network allocated to one organization. Examples include Oracle Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure Stack, and Cisco CloudCenter.

Public cloud – these are clouds shared by various organizations and run by external vendors. Different companies may also share each individual server (virtual machine). Examples of public clouds include Google Cloud, IBM’s Blue Cloud, and Sun Cloud.

Hybrid cloud – this is a mixture of private and public clouds. A company may use its private cloud for specific services and the public cloud for others. Examples include AWS Outposts, Azure Arc, and Google Anthos.

Multi-cloud — is a deployment where multiple public clouds are used. One company hires virtual servers and services from various external vendors. Examples of multi-cloud providers are Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

What Is Containerization?

Containerization is a form of cloud virtualization technology where applications run in individual user spaces (containers) while sharing the same operating system. Containers are part of the Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) model.

The container is abstracted from the host operating system, and containerized applications can run on different types of infrastructure without refactoring for each ecosystem.

Benefits of IT Infrastructure Modernization

IT Infrastructure Modernization

How can Successful IT Infrastructure Modernization be Achieved?

IT infrastructure modernization can be achieved in two modes. Mode 1 focuses on existing assets and systems, while mode 2 concentrates on modernized infrastructure.

IT infrastructure is based on mode 2, which entails the latest technology, skills, and processes. IT personnel should optimize the existing infrastructure in mode 1 and address its complexity before upgrading to mode 2. This ensures that cost reduction and operational efficiency are achieved in the modernization process.

Steps for Infrastructure Modernization

IT Infrastructure Modernization

Resources and systems that are distributed randomly based on business requirements are frequently underutilized. Thorough optimization is required to make the modernization process efficient and seamless.

It is essential to create a hub with strategies and tools to interconnect modernization infrastructure and monitor its performance. The statistics collected will indicate the return on investments in the infrastructure modernization process.

Consolidating the IT infrastructure enables you to optimize physical server locations and ACs, and reduce maintenance costs.

Virtualization increases efficiency per server, but containerization does more. It allows you to manage dynamic requests and obtain more value and RoI from your infrastructure modernization process.

Final Thoughts

The cloud is a fundamental factor for IT infrastructure modernization. It is the only way companies can maximize the benefits of modernization, such as cost reduction, efficiency, and return on investment (RoI).

However, the cloud has many facets, and organizations need to understand the various services and deployments to choose the most suitable for their businesses. For instance, an organization should strive to balance multiple cloud deployments such as private, public, hybrid, multi-cloud, co-location, and edge to support dynamic business needs.

Best Coding Habits for Data Scientists

Alex Thompson Data and AI June 22, 2022
Best coding habits

If you are into training machine learning and data science, then you know that code can sometimes get jumbled up and messy. While code complexity is inevitable, it’s crucial that you categorize the complex ideas so that you can evolve the code. Essentially, machine learning code is written in Jupyter notebooks, which are chock-full of side effects and glue code.

The side effects include printed data frames, data visualizations, and print statements. Additionally, glue code lacks abstraction, automated tests, and modularization. As much as this is applicable to teaching people about ML learning, it’s pretty messy when it comes to real projects. Poor coding habits make the code difficult to read and understand, which becomes a problem to modify without making mistakes.

How do you know you have good code?

Best coding habits

Adopting excellent coding standards will lead to fewer errors, resulting in more work and less time spent correcting and maintaining code. So, what are the best coding habits for data scientists?

Maintain a Clean Codebase

An unclean code is challenging to understand and even harder to modify. This makes the whole code quite complex to work with. One of the dirts in the code is ‘dead code,’ which is executed correctly, but its result is never used again. To keep your code clean, do not reveal the internal data in design. Avoid using print statements, and the variables should always indicate intent. Lastly, the functions should only do one thing, and most importantly, do not repeat yourself.

Use Functions

Functions make your code simpler by removing complex implementation details and replacing them with its name. That way, everything is well organized and concise, removing any chance of clutter in the code. Because the code is short and clear with precise functions, it becomes easier to read, test and reuse. Instead of having several lines of code for the same thing over and over again, using functions gets rid of code entanglement.

Use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

While Jupyter notebooks are great for making prototypes, that’s where many data scientists make the most errors. Coding on the platform for ML learning tends to get messy, as many people include stack traces, unused import statements, glue code, and even print and glorified print statements.

The notebooks give us swift feedback when dealing with a new string of code, which is important. Even so, as the code grows longer, it becomes harder to get feedback on whether the changes made are actually working.

The solution to this is to shift to integrated development environments which will help you write better code. Most of them have inbuilt functions that can highlight errors, autoformat your code, highlight syntax and automatically check up functions. IDEs also have several debugging tools, ensuring that your code is free of bugs without filling it with print statements.

Migrating the code to IDEs will also help with unit testing, which gives you instant feedback on applied changes despite the number of functions.

Use Descriptive Function Names

One way to know a clean, well-written code is if someone who has no clue about programming can understand what’s happening. Using descriptive and precise variable names will help anyone with programming language knowledge know and follow through. Create your code in a self-documenting way, making it easy to follow and modify if necessary.

Adapt Unit Tests

Instead of writing unit tests after doing the entire code, what if you do it while in the process of coding? Yes, there’s a misconception that you cannot use test-driven development while working on machine learning projects. Still, that’s untrue since a big part of the codebase is concerned with data transformations, and only a tiny bit of code is actual machine learning. Using test-driven development helps disintegrate huge, complicated chunks of data transformations into smaller, manageable bits.

As you write your code, it’s vital that you also incorporate a set of automated tests that verify the operation of the function. The beauty of most languages is that they have automated frameworks for this purpose. R has a framework called testthat; Python has a module called unittest, and Java has junit.

Writing unit tests will go a long way in predicting how the code will behave, and you will be able to spot any bugs that creep in with the changes you make. Other people involved with the codebase development will also be able to modify it appropriately since they know what to expect, all from the embedded unit tests.

Use A Consistent Coding Style

When coding for machine learning, it’s important to choose a specific coding style and stick with it. This will help you avoid unnecessary errors, making your code clean and easy to understand. Using a consistent style with your team helps with teamwork since every member of the development team knows what is happening with the code and what to change if need be. Mixing the styles will spell disaster, resulting in a complex, messy code.

Practice Logging

After running the first version of your code, it’s vital that you track its progress. Logging helps with knowing exactly what each level holds. If you’re debugging the code, you can only display debug messages, and if you only want info or warning messages, you can also specifically log those.

The advantage of logging is that you can leave the logs embedded within the code, so you know exactly what to fix if problems arise. Compared to print statements which complicate the codebase, logging keeps everything simple and sorted out. You can also reroute your logs to files to keep track of execution times, data quantities, and other metrics.

Keep Proper Documentation

Maintaining updated records of the code is essential, as it helps simplify the complicated segments. This comes in handy when you need to explain the specific code components or their purpose to your team members. The three types of code documentation are:

Best coding habits

This keeps the workflow efficient, especially when working with AIML.

Adapt Small, Frequent Commits

If you’re not making frequent commits as you code, you’re settingh yourself up for an overload. Once you make the changes in the code, as you work on a specific problem, the previous changes will appear as uncommitted. This creates more confusion which takes you away from solving the issue at hand.

Making small, frequent commits keeps you grounded, and you can concentrate on the particular issue without visual distractions. You also need not worry about unintentionally breaking the codebase since the previous changes will already be committed. Frequent commits also help you revert to the latest commit and check if there’s a problem, giving you a chance to retry. This saves you time that you’d have spent undoing the accidental damage in the code.

Incorporate Docstrings

Sometimes, even you, the author, don’t fully understand it when writing complex code. As such, it’s important that you include docstrings. These are distinctive comments that you embed in the methods, functions, or classes.

They are simply short notes about the code that you can come back to in the future. Including docstrings in the codebase helps generate automated documentation, especially when using IDEs. These will help you when you need to modify the code and cannot remember a specific function.

Maintain a Version Control System

Another excellent coding habit is to have a version control system. With this system, you can roll back to a previous version and incorporate more people into the project, as well as make changes to a code without affecting the older version.

Data science coding involves a lot of experimentation, and having version control helps a big deal with trying out different things. It’s easy to save two versions of a codebase and compare their functionality, giving you more leeway to play around.


These are the habits we have cultivated to make sure we manage our data science tasks seamlessly. You may already be practicing some of them, but we recommend incorporating all of these into your workflow. They make your work easy to manage while at the same time ensuring that the people you work with understand your code in case modifications are required. No one wants to deal with complex, messy ML models, and a clean code guarantees more work being delivered to your clients. At TVS Next, we work to provide high-end intelligence and engineering solutions for your business. We develop our softwares to give you the ultimate, unforgettable experience, set to reimagine and build a better future.

Artificial Intelligence and the Quality and Observability of Data

Alex Thompson Data and AI June 17, 2022
Data Quality in Artificial Intelligence

To truly understand the way data quality and data observability integrates with artificial intelligence, you’ve got to realize these blanket terms for what they are. The quality and observability of data are crucial to the integrity of how a business operates, and you can’t move forward and beat the competition without it.

Poor data can affect your business in a very negative manner, particularly from a financial perspective. Data is at the core of business decisions, so the ability to collect and observe it, preferably with the help of artificial intelligence, is essential to avoid missed opportunities.

What is Data Quality?

Data quality measures the condition of company data based on specific factors such as completeness, currency, reliability, consistency, and accuracy. Measuring your data quality levels will help you identify errors in your data that need resolution and assess if the data in your IT systems serves its purpose.

Emphasizing data quality in business continues to increase as it’s linked to business operations. Data quality management is a vital element of the data management process as a whole, ensuring that organizations format and consistently use data correctly within an organization.

The Importance of Data Quality

Insufficient data can absolutely have significant consequences for businesses. It’s common for low-quality data to be the source of operational issues and incorrect analytics that lead to poorly planned and executed business strategies.

For example, poor data quality can add unnecessary expenses to shipping costs or lose sales due to incomplete customer records. Insufficient data is often responsible for fines that come from improper compliance reporting. IBM estimates that the annual cost of poor-quality data issues in the U.S. is in the trillions.

The bottom line here is that insufficient data loses revenue and causes an overall lack of trust in data reporting across company departments.

What is Data Observability?

Data quality differs from data observability, resulting in happier customers and smoother operational workflows. Data observability is the ability of your organization to fully understand the health of the data that exists in your systems.

Data observability eliminates data downtime and utilizes automated monitoring, triaging, and alerting to identify and then evaluate data immediately. Data observability leads to more productive teams, healthier pipelines, and happier consumers.

Overall, data observability should prevent issues from happening in the first place. It exposes rich information about your data assets so changes and modifications can occur proactively and responsibly.

The Role of AI in Data Quality

We live in a digitally advanced era that relies more on information technology and communication every day. While artificial intelligence brings opportunities, it also presents challenges.

AI and Machine Learning (ML) are the future of data. Data observability will not be effective without data strategies to prevent inaccurate data entry or remove already existing inaccurate data from databases. AI and ML help us to develop these strategies.

How AI Can Help

Every business values the importance of collecting data and the potential contribution it can make to success. In the era of cloud computing and AI, the relevance of data goes far beyond its volume or how we use it. For example, if a company has insufficient quality data, its actions based on analytics will not make a difference, and it might even make things worse.

AI and ML can work together to improve accuracy, consistency, and data manageability. AI enhances the quality of data in many ways. Let’s take a closer look.

Automatic Data Capture

Organizations can lose a lot of money due to poor data capture. AI helps to improve data quality by automating the process of data entry and the implementation of intelligent data capture. This automation ensures that companies can capture all necessary information without system gaps.

Artificial intelligence and ML engineering can help businesses grab data without manual input. When critical data details are captured automatically, employees can forget about administrative work and focus on the customer.

Duplicate Record Identification

Duplicate data entries can lead to outdated records and insufficient data quality. Companies can use AI to eliminate duplicate records, which is nearly impossible to do manually or at least takes extensive time and resources. Contacts, leads and business accounts should be free of duplicate entries, and AI makes it happen.

Detect Abnormalities

One small human error can significantly affect the quality of your company data, and AI systems can remove defects and improve data quality.

Third-Party Data Inclusions

AI can maintain the integrity of data and add to the quality. Third-party organizations can add value to management systems by presenting complete data, contributing to the ability to make decisions precisely.

Artificial intelligence will suggest what components to pull from a specific data set and build connections. When companies have clean and detailed data in one place, they can better make decisions.

AI and Data Observability

AI and data observability have become essential to managing modern IT environments. There is no question that intelligent and automated observability can transform how we work. Regardless of your industry or business niche, your success depends on digital transformation and driving new revenue streams.

AI helps to manage customer relationships and keep your employees productive. Organizations that invest in AI, multi-cloud platforms and cloud-native technologies maximize the benefits of AI and ML investments by increasingly looking to automated observability. AI-powered insights paired with human thought can innovate faster and deliver better overall results.

Streamlining Data Quality and Observability

Your team should not waste time doing manual tasks that you can automate. AI assistance is the leading solution to streamlining data quality and observability, which (in the long run) will be critical to the ability your team has to cope with ever-increasing workloads while continuing to deliver value.

Leaping forward means embracing AI operations, adopting cloud-native architecture and consistently searching for better ways to observe, collect, and analyze data. AI can prioritize issues based on the amount of impact any given problem could have on the company, saving developers time and ensuring that your teams can understand and resolve issues before real impact happens.

AI processes have revolutionized the world of data observability and quality, reducing application delivery times and fueling growth. It’s becoming apparent that we will, at some point, depend on the benefits that artificial intelligence has to offer regarding the collection of data for business purposes, especially marketing and the consumer journey.

Leaning into Automation

Companies have to lean into automation to succeed. There is no more denying that implementing AI within data processes, primarily management components like quality and observability will be crucial to the way companies operate. AI gives us the tools to make decisions that positively impact our businesses, decreasing human error and saving money.

Today, most companies are working toward a digital transformation of sorts, albeit at very different levels. Market demand and consumer needs are constantly shifting, causing a strain on businesses that fall behind digitally. Delivering high-value experiences is essential, and automating data observation and quality management is vital.

Manual efforts no longer scale and continue to hold back innovation. Using AI to modernize your data approach allows you to build applications, optimize performance, and provide automatic analysis of your collected data.

Devising the Future with Speculative Design

Speculative Design

Speculative design requires designers to tap into a deeper level of thinking that they’re used to, envisioning the future from a design perspective. Generally, there are three main components to design, including creating, solving problems with the creation, and the ability to take client revisions in stride.

However, sometimes design problems become so big that it becomes challenging to create a solution. The world is dealing with ongoing heavy issues, and designers are often at the center of bringing attention to said issues, which is a lot of responsibility.

It’s rare to create a solution for environmental disasters and political strife through design, but what about speculative design? This article will talk about speculative design and how it can make a difference in the future.

What is Speculative Design?

Speculative design addresses the big worldly problems and looks to the future concerning creating products and services for those problems. While the concept sounds relatively straightforward, speculative design is much more complex than it sounds. Still, there are some fantastic examples of how speculative design truly works and how designers can begin to apply the tactics.

Speculative design is all about stepping back from the project and asking how you can solve future problems. The concept thrives on new perspectives and imagination and looks to open the hard discussions and encourage creativity. In some cases, design speculations can help us redefine our relationship with the future.

Generally, design looks at more minor issues, such as how to raise conversion rates and how to encourage the neighborhood recycling rate. Speculative design widens the scope and looks at society’s most significant issues. When utilizing the theoretical design perspective, designers should ask themselves the following questions.

Speculative Design

Speculative design is not for the faint of heart, and it allows designers to determine how they can make a difference through their personal creativity. Speculative design doesn’t focus on the current technology, culture, and political limitations.

Speculative Design and the Future

While speculative design has quite a bit to do with the future, it’s essential to understand the correlation between the two. Speculative design doesn’t revolve around predicting the future, and instead, it aims to imagine the possibilities.

The futures of speculative design can be probable, plausible, and preferable, and an excellent speculative design piece should fall into one of these future categories. To understand the present, it’s crucial to have some lens into the future, and speculative design can supply that, allowing designers to try and establish what humans do or don’t want to see in the future.

Speculative design does not mean the exploration of fantasy. Instead, it wants to focus on justifiable creation and explore the possible relationship society could have with that design or innovation.

Speculative Design Benefits

The progression of technology continues to move forward, and brands globally have to ensure that they’re on the right path to progress and grow with such advancements. Plain and simple, businesses cannot see growth when they lack innovation overall, primarily from development and design departments.

Innovating within the industry positions any company to gain in future markets. Speculative design isn’t abstract. Major organizations like Pepsi and Visa have hired teams to assist them in creating products and strategies that can make a real difference.

These companies are placing a great deal of importance on being ahead of the competition from the perspective of services and technology. When speculative design works with concrete (or traditional) design tactics, speculative design is valuable for organizations of every size and type, governments included.

Speculative design asks how things might be, opening the door for provoking debate, asking questions, and challenging preconceptions. These speculative design benefits are crucial to the success of its implementation. However, the best thing to come out of speculative design is focusing on the future.

Speculative Design Drawbacks

With every advancement in technology and ways of thinking comes a drawback or two. There’s no doubt that speculative design offers opportunities for designers to explore a creative push, but it’s a concept that’s notoriously difficult to sell.

Speculative design is all about pushing boundaries and taking risks. As a result, organizations are less likely to invest much money in the process. This hesitancy limits how designers make bolder choices because few companies are willing to focus on funding speculative projects.

History holds speculative design back from being everything it could be, making it difficult even to exist. For example, design has never been more commercial than it is now. It’s not uncommon for businesses to see speculative designers as unfocused on a design’s ability to generate revenue.

Also, society places a greater emphasis today on the accomplishments of individuals rather than entire communities. The overall demand to focus on and attempt to solve looming societal issues just isn’t present.

Pessimism is another drawback to speculative design, as younger generations have adopted (and rightfully so) a pessimistic attitude regarding the future. The consensus is that there’s no point in planning for something that might not happen. However, if we were to do away with speculative design completely, how can we change minds?

Major corporations are indeed taking the plunge and investing in speculative design. Still, changes in the design world and the economy tend to limit the ability of designers even to take part in speculative design. In many cases, speculative design doesn’t bring in money, or it’s near impossible to find an organization to provide funds.

How Speculative Design Works

If there’s no demand for speculative design, there’s no reason for designers to supply those services. However, many designers believe that ROI or the bottom line should not limit their creativity. Speculative design includes the ability to concoct ideas around things that don’t yet exist. Businesses that take risks on bolder ideas will find it incredibly beneficial.

Speculative design enables designers (and those who witness the design) to imagine a probable future and explore relevant questions regarding that future. Through processes of in-depth trend analysis and research, speculative design asks people to ponder what certain technological adoptions might bring or how humanity might deal with new trends. The questions asked can be as shallow or as deep as designers want, as long as they devise a viable future.

The speculative design process differs from traditional in that it uses outputs as inputs, meaning products and imagery can turn uncertain futures into present choices. The concept is genius with mass amounts of potential, and it will eventually become necessary for business leaders to experiment with imaginative thinking to generate discussions.

The Acceptance of Speculative Design as a Long-Term Solution

Because speculative design has its place in redefining and devising the way we look at the future, it’s worth looking at how designers and organizations can encourage people to accept and absorb speculative design. The problem is that many business leaders do not see speculative design to solve long-term issues.

Speculative design is meant to help humans consider future implications and assist in building successful services, products, and businesses overall. To work on the acceptance of speculative design within your company, you might want to start with bringing in stakeholders that offer diversity and varying viewpoints. The stakeholder path is one way to determine what concepts are desirable for the future.

In general, design is a process that isn’t linear. When we add speculation to the mix, we add a lot of complexity that businesses aren’t willing to take a chance on quite yet. There is no precise marketing science in speculative design. Various events and viewpoints will always get in the way of the desired future, and it’s near impossible for speculative design to make room for that.

Instead, speculative design needs to focus on asking questions, engaging the right people, and concentrate on shaping tomorrow through creativity and innovation. When companies can step back and consider the benefits of working with speculative designers to make real change or at least focus on making that change, a whole new world of design and potential clientele opens up.

Speculative design isn’t a trend so much as it’s becoming a must-have for companies that wish to evolve with their consumer base by imagining speculative futures.

Integrating Deep Design and Your Business

If you think speculative design could benefit your business, it’s encouraged to start incorporating it as soon as you’ve got a skilled designer and a plan in place. There are no limits to what speculative design can imagine, though it’s important for your team to remain grounded in reality and refuse to cross the tempting line into fantasy.

Speculative design can change lives and product outcomes, driving growth and innovation every step of the way. Good design is essential to business, but speculative design may prove priceless.

Reimagining Digital Transformation with Industry Clouds

Industry Cloud

If it weren’t for competition, companies would likely be resistant to transformation. Because we have to keep up with competitors, we’re almost forced into brainstorming new ways to improve our ROI, looking for innovation at every turn. Digital transformation is a massive component of helping us to innovate at an exponential rate, and we’re often looking to the competition to see which step we should take next.

One of the most significant challenges businesses face today is the pursuit of digital transformation. It’s a never ending battle, typically uphill, and in this case, speed matters. Just because digital transformation is complex doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. Companies of all shapes and sizes are successfully implementing digital transformation measures by focusing on five imperative components:

Industry Cloud

When organizations across the board use this type of fundamental framework, it gives everyone a decipherable language to encourage collaboration for strategic transformation.

Enter: Industry Clouds.

The Adoption of Industry Clouds

Industry clouds can help advance the five components listed in the framework above. Cloud-enabled business solutions help businesses standardize the important modernization aspects of their competitors. This comparison allows them to focus on which capabilities their business has that differ from the competition.

Industry clouds can allow businesses to adapt to emerging cloud and digitization conditions continually evolving by establishing scalability, nimbleness, and options. Industry clouds present the possibility of collaboration when companies struggle to find the right solution.

Hyperscale companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google embrace the concept of industry clouds. The market is quickly gaining traction, and, at this point, all enterprises must know what industry clouds are and why they’re important to the future of business modernization.

Understanding the Industry Cloud

You know by now that industry clouds are essential for collaboration, competitive advantages, digital modernization, and preferred by hyperscalers, but what are they? Developed by cloud vendors, system integrators, and software providers, industry clouds are the building blocks that speed up the development of digital solutions specific to an industry niche.

When businesses use industry cloud services, they’ll have access to continuously evolving digital capabilities. Industry clouds provide a necessary blueprint for transformations specific to a particular industry. They allow for organizations of all sizes to innovate and modernize slowly, making for a more agile and sustainable modernization. Companies can focus on their digital modernization in increments instead of a risky and expensive replacement of existing legacy systems.

Changes can focus on the user experiences that matter the most, such as what matters most to consumers. In addition, businesses can take advantage of advanced technologies from industry clouds, including AI and machine learning (ML) models.

The industry cloud makes it possible for companies to stay in line with the competition without building a digital revolution from the ground up. Industry cloud solutions continue to emerge and evolve within every industry. They’re making the latest digital capabilities accessible to businesses everywhere, adopting a more flexible way of working.

Defining Your Industry Cloud Strategy

Though it might not seem apparent from here, the industry cloud can help your organization’s ability to pull ahead of the competition. The industry cloud concept indeed provides the exact solution to everyone, and it’s up to businesses to figure out how to differentiate, which is difficult, but by no means impossible.

The best way to help a business to the forefront of its industry is to select the technology in the industry cloud that suits what the company currently needs to move forward regarding technological advances. Once it’s established what will work as far as modernization is involved, it’s up to the company to fine-tune and maintain them. How can these innovative solutions and insights work in the long run, and how will we continue to apply them?

The industry cloud is something that we can upgrade whenever we want. A competitive edge while employing the cloud will come from how we focus the application of the services. Quick learners may gain advantage more quickly, but that doesn’t mean others can’t or won’t catch up.

However, those within an industry that has successfully deployed digital modernization in addition to the industry cloud will likely be more competitive. There’s no doubt that the industry cloud presents an issue for some organizations when adopting outside technology and the attempt to layer industry cloud innovation with a unique take.

The industry cloud is about establishing a balancing act. Strategic implementation of the industry cloud will focus on ROI and opportunities to drive demand, accelerating development far beyond what would be possible without turning to modernization.

Using a well-defined strategy to define top use cases will assist in the acceleration of development. When using the industry cloud, a piece of internal resources should focus on how businesses plan to differentiate from similarly-focused companies using the same technologies. This is the part of industry cloud utilization that companies will have to build themselves, so while some reliance on the cloud is acceptable, additional digital modernization tactics are essential.

Accelerating Change

With the industry cloud, organizations can shift and switch resources to focus on the strategies they plan to use to move ahead of the competition, which is a fantastic perk. However, the correct implementation of the industry cloud can allow an organization to embrace and actively seek out change.

The speed at which change happens will vary by industry and from company to company. The industry cloud can provide building blocks for redesigning business processes and introducing technology capabilities to keep companies ahead of the game and working toward the consistent innovation that the cloud can help them achieve.

The Shift to the Industry Cloud

Shifting to the cloud became inevitable for many businesses during the pandemic. Almost overnight, there was no choice other than embracing technology and updating legacy systems that had worked internally for years. Still, most organizations have barely scratched the surface of cloud adoption, at least publcially.

Though it seems odd to resist technological advances, the war between traditional on-premises data infrastructure and public cloud providers isn’t over. While some organizations stick to Dell, others explore options like Microsoft Azure. Industry clouds are a great place to meet in the middle because they provide direction but push for creativity and innovation.

The foundation to digitally modernize data exists, even for companies that have yet to take the plunge, because industry clouds are essentially collections of tools, cloud services, and applications pre-optimized for use within an industry. It’s almost like having a modernization freebie, but if businesses cannot apply the use cases to their own evolving needs, the industry cloud won’t be of much help. At least not in the long run.

When making the shift to the industry cloud, it’s crucial to understand that the cloud must meet the industry’s requirements. In healthcare, for example, there’s a high priority placed on improving patient experience, but the need for data protection, privacy, and security measures are extensive. If healthcare practices do not have security measures in place, they directly violate HIPPA compliances.

There is a high value placed on analyzing data and utilizing AI for customer insights and brainstorming product development in different sectors, like financial services. Like healthcare, financial services is a highly regulated industry, so the industry cloud must cater to those regulations just as it should the healthcare industry.

On another note, the retail industry cloud should address the need to collect and analyze large data sets to improve inventory management and all-around customer experience. When businesses genuinely grasp what utilization of the industry cloud means for them, the desire to make the switch becomes imminent. However, they cannot complete that switch without a concrete plan to differentiate from the competition and build their basis of digital modernization on top of the tools utilized within the industry cloud.

We cannot stress enough that for some industry requirements, like privacy and security regulations, the industry cloud is a fantastic place to start but might not be enough. The fear of needing more and a general lack of knowledge on how to migrate to the cloud continue to hold businesses back. Companies within competitive industries fall behind in the race to the cloud, mainly because they fail to recognize the value that public clouds can lend to their internal technology infrastructures.

A New Way to Digitize

Industry clouds offer a new way to digitize without dismantling old systems completely. Industry clouds are still in their early days, and some aren’t as valuable as others. In some cases, industry cloud providers can come off as more of a marketing service than a SaaS offering substantial change for industry-specific businesses. However, that will likely change.

In the meantime, companies who are seriously evaluating industry cloud services from public providers must do so with care. It’s crucial to compare the cloud offerings from varying providers and the general-purpose solution. What is the goal of the service, and how can it help the business? How much will we have to layer on top, and can we make our company stand out with the tools available?

Asking the right questions will help you find the right provider for you.

Redefining the Way Quality Assurance Works

Automated quality assurance

It’s essential for companies in the pharmaceutical and medical technology industry to find a way to approach quality assurance and management proactively. While advancements in technology have enabled a new way of delivering quality, healthcare companies must take advantage, implementing new approaches that extend beyond compliance and execution. There’s a whole new technology-driven way of quality assurance emerging.

Ways Technology Can Improve Quality Assurance: A Glance

To fully understand how technological advancements can redefine how quality insurance works, it’s essential to take a broader perspective before focusing on each benefit’s smaller, individualized aspects.

Technology improves quality assurance by:

Automated quality assurance

Every industry currently faces digital modernization at some level. Excellent quality assurance should not come as a cost of doing business but rather as a way to emphasize the value of an enterprise. Advanced tech combined with modern design techniques and flexibility in the workplace are massive components of changing how determining quality works at a fraction of past expense.

The bottom line is always the bottom line. Innovative quality assurance can positively impact profit, accelerating product time to market and boosting manufacturing response and capacity.

While these benefits are measurable on paper, quality assurance (from a tech standpoint) can fuel your entire organization to take ownership of providing quality products and services, thereby boosting customer satisfaction and reducing the risk of compliance errors. When it comes to quality assurance, technology is seemingly limitless.

The Current State of Quality Assurance

Quality assurance tends to become something a business feels like they have to do to succeed. While this is technically true, that feeling skews perspective. In reality, we should view quality assurance as a way to enhance our businesses, and the process becomes a lot less tedious when it’s automated.

Executives in all industries, primarily pharma and medical technology, view quality assurance and compliance as a business byproduct. Since they’re in business, it has to be done.

Quality assurance happens behind the scenes, and customers typically aren’t aware of it unless the unexpected happens.

The main focus of quality assurance has never really been the consumer. Instead, businesses concentrate on fulfilling compliance requirements while reducing costs in any way possible.

This (somewhat misguided) direction is where many companies go wrong regarding how they execute their quality assurance measures. It should always be more about your client base and less about a primary goal of satisfying regulations with the constant building pressure to save money.

Instead of making operations more efficient, quality assurance practices, in many cases, put innovation into a box. Poor quality assurance practices take salespeople away from customers and significantly extend supply chains. In short, it tends to drive frustration instead of working as a way to improve operations overall.

The Application of Emerging Technologies

Many aspects of quality assurance remain rooted in legacy systems and old ways of implementation. However, newer digital technologies have presented opportunities that are only applied halfway. For example, companies will use digital technology to automate paperless workflows and data pulls, but the main concentration of quality assurance rests on cutting costs.

Yes, modernizing digitally absolutely cuts down costs and boosts revenue when done correctly. However, the mindset that modernization can only cut costs for the company completely misses the mark.

Pharmaceutical and medical technology organizations can increase patient safety by utilizing the speed, data, and connectivity that digital technology brings to the table. They can successfully improve the quality of their products across the table, as well as processing reliability and overall efficacy.

Embracing Quality Assurance and Creating Value

Adopting the technology to create intelligent quality assurance in every part of your organizational process can free up your resources and allow you and your teams to focus on the tasks that mean more. Automation improves your customer service factor when it comes to speed and efficiency, but it also gives you more one-on-one time with them.

Automation benefits don’t stop at customer service. By investing in quality assurance, you’re ensuring the time to determine if you’re putting out a quality product in the first place. It all comes full circle. In addition to improving your customer journey, automation creates value in other areas, including:

Automated quality assurance

Embracing automated quality assurance processes within every fabric of your organization means spending less time dealing with services and products that are less than high-quality. It’s a genuinely business-changing venture.

The Pandemic and A Change in Quality Assurance

It’s no secret that the pandemic changed how most companies conduct business. Many went from no online presence to the need to establish one almost overnight. Quality assurance became essential as consumer reviews and the desire for instant accessibility and a relatively quick journey took over.

Focuses inevitably shifted to quality assurance to keep customers happy, but it became a way to make a business better in every aspect. COVID-19 undeniably forced many companies, who were facing massive pressure to begin with, to employ the fundamentals of proactivity when it comes to quality.

Pharmaceutical and medical technology companies adapted quickly, demonstrating unprecedented performance levels through agility and flexibility. Here’s what happened:

  • Companies redefined quality to work from a distance. Social distancing and newly implemented remote working settings meant revising workflows and having no other choice but to harness digitization processes that probably should have been initiated already;
  • The deployment of advanced analytics and digital tools helped immensely across all avenues, including product production, testing, and release;
  • Employees’ commitment was crucial in the collaborative efforts needed to successfully transform the work process from in-person to remote-based. Most companies noticed a dramatic reduction in any issues caused by human error, which contributes to quality assurance.

As a result, most companies have stuck to the changes implemented due to the positive return on time, technology, and financial investments.

Innovative Quality Management and Digital Technology

As recent as the past two years, smart quality assurance has demonstrated that it directly positively impacts quality improvement. It allows organizations to reduce overall costs related to quality assurance. When employed correctly, the benefits are undeniable, as are most aspects of digital tech advancements. Here’s what to expect:

Enhanced Results

Automation QA saves time, even when your legacy systems are massive and complex. Testing can repeatedly happen, delivering faster, better results with less effort.

Faster Feedback

With smart quality assurance, feedback can happen in real-time, which significantly enhances communication among designers, developers, and product merchants, primarily during the project validation phase.

Brand Enhancement

Automated quality assurance depends on the quality of the data tested. Testing was once carried out on live databases. It took copious amounts of time and has now transformed into automated solutions that allow companies to re-use data and save costs from a project maintenance point of view.

Automated quality testing adds value to all stakeholders, enhancing system capability and leading to a digital revolution. As a result, this improves the brand name and reputation and increases customer retention.


Though the initial costs of investing in smart quality assurance are high, it saves a ton of company money and increases ROI in the long run. With automation comes a reduction in the time required to run quality tests and produces a higher quality of work.

Automated quality assurance

Making Automated Quality Assurance Work for You

Taking the time and assigning the funds to evolve how your healthcare company conducts quality assurance throughout daily processes is essential for streamlining workflows and finding cost-effective success.

Automated quality testing plays a significant factor in reducing time spent on manual efforts. You’re paving the way for swift feedback and maximized profits by evolving digitally. Small and medium enterprises should consider putting changes into effect right away to maintain a competitive edge.

It’s time to stop working specifically for quality assurance and make your quality assurance process work for you.

Let's talk about your next big project.

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