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Driving healthcare innovations through the power of cloud

Are you a hospital CEO, CIO, or director looking for innovative ways to optimize the efficiency of your healthcare organization? Healthcare organizations are beginning to look beyond traditional storage and technology capabilities and embracing cloud computing in healthcare to increase patient satisfaction, enhance collaboration within the team, improve administrative processes, drive cost savings, and more.

In this blog post, we’re taking a closer look at how cloud-driven innovations have positively impacted the healthcare industry. From enhanced patient experience and improved communication with clinicians – cloud-powered innovation can open up new possibilities for improving hospital operations!

How cloud-related healthcare innovations are transforming the industry

cloud computing in healthcare

Cloud technology has been a game-changer for numerous industries, and healthcare is no exception. Healthcare providers are using cloud-based solutions to manage patient data, streamline processes, and improve overall care quality. One of the biggest benefits of cloud computing in healthcare is the ability to securely store and share large amounts of data. With the ability to access information from anywhere, doctors and nurses can quickly pull up patient files, review medical histories, and collaborate with colleagues in real-time. Cloud technology is also making testing and diagnosis more efficient by allowing for remote monitoring and analysis of patient data. These advancements are transforming the healthcare industry, enabling providers to consistently deliver the best possible care to their patients.

Patient data storage

If you are in the healthcare industry, you know how crucial it is to secure patient records. But did you know that cloud storage can help make this process a breeze? Not only does cloud storage save on costs, but it also enhances security measures. Since the data is stored on the cloud, it’s not vulnerable to physical theft or damage. Plus, you can access the data anytime, anywhere – making it all the more convenient for healthcare professionals on the go. With cloud storage, your patient data is in safe, secure hands. So, whether you’re a doctor, nurse, or administrator, it’s time to consider moving to cloud storage for your patient records.

Medical records access

With the help of cloud computing, doctors can access medical records in just a few clicks. Gone are the days when physicians had to physically search through piles of files and documents just to find a patient’s medical history. With cloud computing, medical records are stored online and can easily be accessed from any device with an internet connection. This not only saves time for doctors but also ensures that patient data is kept safe and secure. Doctors can quickly access important information such as test results, medication history, and treatment plans using cloud technology. It’s no wonder that so many medical facilities are turning to the cloud to streamline their operations and provide better patient care.

Access to healthcare

Telemedicine technology has revolutionized the way healthcare services are being delivered to patients. With the advent of telemedicine, patients who live in remote or underserved areas can now easily access quality medical care from the comfort of their homes. Telemedicine technology has allowed patients to consult with their doctors virtually, outside regular clinic hours, and with greater convenience. Patients can also benefit from remote monitoring devices that transmit data such as blood pressure readings and other vital signs, allowing healthcare providers to monitor their condition remotely.

Furthermore, telemedicine technology has opened up new opportunities for medical professionals to collaborate, share knowledge, and consult with each other on challenging cases, enabling better patient outcomes. It is clear that telemedicine technology has transformed the healthcare sector by increasing the availability of medical services for patients and facilitating better communication and collaboration between healthcare providers.

Accurate diagnostics

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made its way into the healthcare industry and is changing the game for healthcare professionals. With the help of AI tools, healthcare professionals can now make better decisions and improve diagnosis accuracy. These tools provide a wealth of information that doctors can use to make more informed decisions about patient care. For example, AI-powered tools can mine patient data, such as electronic health records, lab results, and images, to give doctors a more comprehensive view of a patient’s health. This allows healthcare professionals to make more accurate diagnoses and develop more effective treatment plans. As AI advances, we can expect to see even more innovative tools that will help transform healthcare delivery.

Improved patient experience

Visiting the doctor can often be a stressful and time-consuming process, but advancements in technology and changes to healthcare systems have led to a more convenient and positive experience for patients. Some of these changes include the ability to book appointments online, virtual visits with healthcare providers, and updated waiting room protocols to reduce wait times. These improvements provide convenience and lead to better patient outcomes and satisfaction. Patients are now able to receive the care they need in a more efficient and stress-free manner, ultimately enhancing their overall experience.


In conclusion, cloud computing in healthcare has revolutionized the industry. From cloud storage solutions that improve security and reduce costs to AI tools that aid in diagnosis accuracy, healthcare professionals now have access to a range of tools to make their work easier and more efficient. Advanced telemedicine technology has made quality healthcare services more accessible than ever before, giving patients greater convenience and shorter wait times for their appointments. Thanks to these advancements in cloud technologies, healthcare professionals and patients can benefit from increased data security and improved quality of care – making it a win-win for all involved.

What is application modernization and how to modernize legacy applications

what is application modernization

Do you have a few applications that are starting to show their age? Maybe they’re not as user-friendly as they used to be or don’t work well with the latest operating systems. If this is the case, it’s time to consider application modernization. Application modernization is an effective way to modernize your organization’s technology infrastructure and ensure it can meet the evolving needs of today’s business environment. By adopting the latest technologies, businesses can remain relevant in a digital-first world, reduce technical debt, and increase efficiency and productivity.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what application modernization is and why it’s essential for your business. We’ll also give you some tips on how to get started!

What is application modernization and why do it?

Application modernization is transforming legacy systems and applications into modern, more efficient versions. Organizations do this for various reasons, such as to increase performance and responsiveness, improve security, or reduce maintenance costs. By modernizing these applications and systems, businesses can leverage the latest technologies and methodologies, helping them to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced marketplace. Additionally, companies can save time and resources by upgrading existing software instead of developing new software from scratch while still delivering high-quality results. Ultimately, it can help businesses improve efficiency while minimizing costs, making it an important part of any modern enterprise strategy.

How to know if your company needs to modernize its applications?

The question of whether or not a business needs to modernize its applications is not an easy one to answer. On the one hand, several benefits come with keeping software up-to-date and functional, including improved flexibility, faster performance, and better security. On the other hand, rolling out new applications can be costly and time-consuming, and it can often interrupt operations while causing some disruption to employees.

Here are some indications you need to modernize your applications:

what is application modernizationUltimately, the best approach is to consult with experts who can offer guidance on how you can successfully modernize your applications while minimizing disruptions and us tvs next

The benefits of application modernization

Application modernization is a crucial step in any organization’s digital transformation strategy. By modernizing how we build, deploy, and run software applications, we can ensure that our systems are always up-to-date and working to their full potential. Here are some of the benefits of well-executed application modernization:

benefits of application modernizations

Whether we are automating legacy applications to improve scalability or making sure that our sales platform integrates seamlessly with our customer relationship management software, application modernization is a critical step on the path to success. So, if you want your organization to thrive in today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, be sure to embrace application modernization as part of your overall strategy.

Types of application modernization

There are many different types of application modernization that can help businesses to improve their operations and efficiency. One popular method is refactoring, which involves taking an existing application already in production and making changes to improve its performance and usability. Another common form of modernization is re-platforming, which refers to taking an application or program designed for one operating system or platform and adapting it for use on another platform. Additionally, there are various cloud-based solutions that can be used to simplify the day-to-day management of applications, including automated deployment and update tools as well as flexible licensing models.

Application modernization strategy

Some organizations choose to focus on simplifying and streamlining their existing applications, while others take a more transformative approach by completely redesigning their systems from the ground up. Ultimately, the strategy depends upon many factors, including business objectives, budget constraints, and technical capabilities.

For example, companies that require significant customization or have highly complex legacy applications may opt for a more gradual modernization process in order to minimize disruption to business operations. Meanwhile, those with simpler software architectures may be better off embracing change and undertaking more transformative modernization initiatives. Ultimately, the key is to find the right balance that addresses your organization’s needs while aligning with your strategic vision. Whether you’re looking to make minor tweaks or make waves with massive changes, there are plenty of options out there that can help you achieve your goals.

How to get started with application modernization?

Getting started with application modernization can seem daunting, especially if you are unfamiliar with the concept. At its core, app modernization is converting existing software applications to more modern, cloud-based platforms. To get started with this process, it’s crucial to have a clear goal in mind and a solid plan in place. One of the first steps in application modernization is to identify any legacy applications that may be holding your organization back or diverting resources away from more critical workflows.

Once these apps have been identified, you can begin thinking about how they might be upgraded or replaced. The next step is to develop a strategy for moving forward – whether that involves working with an off-the-shelf solution or scheduling custom development work. With these considerations in mind, you can begin to take steps toward modernizing your applications and unlocking their full potential.


In conclusion, application modernization can bring a variety of benefits to businesses. Companies that take the time to upgrade their applications will be able to enjoy improved efficiency and scalability, greater flexibility and user experience, enhanced security, and reduced maintenance costs. Investing in the latest technology will ensure businesses remain competitive, agile, and secure.

Application modernization is essential for any business wanting to stay ahead of the curve. With the right strategy for application modernization and the support of experienced developers and IT professionals, there’s no reason why your organization can’t successfully navigate this process and reap the many benefits it offers.

Most Common Cloud Security Concerns Answered

cloud security concerns

As more and more companies move their applications to the cloud, ensuring that their data and systems are secure has become increasingly important. However, with the myriad of options available in cloud computing, it can be challenging to know where to start when it comes to securing your cloud-based assets. 

In this blog, we will answer some of the most common cloud security concerns, including how to secure your cloud data, what kinds of security measures to implement in the cloud, and how to ensure compliance with regulations. By the end of this blog, you will better understand how to protect your organization’s cloud infrastructure from potential security threats.

Cloud security refers to the rules and procedures used to protect cloud-based applications, data, and infrastructure from unauthorized access. It varies from domain to domain, and few standard security measures are taken care of by cloud service providers. There are various types of cloud security measures that we need to follow while adopting a cloud platform. The most well-known service providers, including Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), advise a standard protocol.

Here are the answers to some of the most common cloud security concerns:

What are the considerations for selecting a cloud security provider? 

Critical considerations for selecting a cloud security provider include evaluating their security features and capabilities, assessing their compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards, reviewing their track record and reputation, and evaluating their ability to provide responsive and effective support.

How can organizations ensure compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards in the cloud?

Organizations can ensure compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards in the cloud by selecting a cloud service provider that complies with these standards and regulations. Additionally, they can implement robust security controls and monitoring mechanisms and perform regular audits and assessments to identify and remediate any compliance gaps.

What is the shared responsibility model for cloud security?

The shared responsibility model for cloud security refers to the division of security responsibilities between the cloud service provider and the customer. The cloud service provider (CSP) is responsible for securing the infrastructure, while the customer is responsible for securing the data and applications they store and use in the cloud.

How can we ensure data is secure in the cloud, and what services are available over the most popular cloud service providers?

One cloud security concerns is how to secure data in cloud, to ensure data is secure in the cloud, we should choose a reputable cloud service provider with strong security measures in place, encrypt our data both in transit and at rest, use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication, regularly monitor activity logs, and implement appropriate access controls. Data security refers to protecting the data stored and processed in the cloud. It involves measures such as encryption, access control, and backup and recovery.

Azure, AWS, and GCP provide a range of data protection tools and services to help organizations secure their cloud data. Here are some examples of data protection tools for each platform:

For Azure

azure cloud security concerns


AWS cloud security concerns


Google cloud platform

What are some cloud security certifications with compliance frameworks?

When choosing a cloud service provider, look for Cloud security certifications that meet rigorous security standards and have undergone regular security assessments. Most commonly, Azure, AWS, and GCP provide the same certifications like:

cloud security certificates

These certifications assure organizations that all the 3 cloud service providers have implemented strong security controls and meet industry standards for security and compliance. Organizations should ensure that their own security and compliance requirements align with these certifications before selecting their cloud provider.

What is Network Security?

Network security is the practice of securing computer networks from unauthorized access, data theft, and other malicious activities. It involves implementing various technologies and processes to prevent and detect unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of computer network and network-accessible resources.

Examples of network security tools include firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and virtual private networks (VPNs). These precautions aid in defending cloud-based networks against online dangers like malware, phishing scams, and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

How can we define application security over the cloud?

This refers to protecting the applications hosted in the cloud and involves measures such as secure coding practices, vulnerability testing, and access control.

What are the cloud security tools available?

Many tools are available for cloud security. The best tools for particular needs will depend on multiple factors, such as the type of cloud infrastructure we use, the level of security we require, and our budget. Here are some popular tools & technologies for cloud security:

cloud security tools

What are some commonly prevalent cloud attacks?

Cloud attacks are one among the other common cloud security concerns. As cloud computing continues to become more prevalent, cybercriminals are increasingly targeting cloud environments with a variety of attacks. Here are some of the latest types of attacks on the cloud:

Data breaches

As attackers try to access sensitive data housed in the cloud, data breaches continue to pose a serious danger to cloud security. This can be accomplished through various methods, including exploiting vulnerabilities in cloud applications, using stolen credentials, or leveraging misconfigured permissions.

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks

DoS attacks attempt to overload a cloud system with traffic, making it unavailable to users. These attacks can be launched from various sources, including botnets or hacked cloud instances.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

APTs are sophisticated attacks that target specific cloud environments, often with the goal of stealing sensitive data or disrupting operations. These attacks are tough to detect and can go undetected for long periods.

Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks

MitM attacks involve intercepting and manipulating data as it flows between cloud systems and users. Attackers may use this to steal sensitive data or inject malware into cloud environments.

Supply chain attacks

Supply chain attacks target third-party providers of cloud services, such as software vendors or cloud infrastructure providers. These attacks can compromise the security of entire cloud environments, potentially exposing sensitive data and disrupting operations.


Crypto-jacking involves hijacking a cloud instance’s computing resources to mine cryptocurrency, often without the owner’s knowledge or consent. This can lead to increased costs for the cloud user and reduced performance for legitimate applications running on the instance.

Container and API attacks

Attackers often target containerized applications and APIs due to their critical role in cloud environments. Attackers may exploit vulnerabilities in container images or APIs to gain access to cloud resources.

What are some enhanced cloud security tools designed by popular service providers?

Here are some popular tools for cloud security that are designed by Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud:

For Azure 




For Google Cloud:

google cloud


In conclusion, cloud security is paramount for organizations that store their data and run their operations in the cloud. It’s important to understand that the ones listed in this blog are just a few examples of the many tools available for cloud security in Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud. The optimal tool for our specific needs will rely on several variables, including our budget, the size and complexity of our cloud environment, and our unique security requirements.

As discussed in this blog, securing cloud-based assets requires implementing robust security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and monitoring, as well as ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. Organizations can protect their data, applications, and systems from potential security breaches and maintain their customers’ trust by taking these steps.As cloud computing grows, staying vigilant and proactive about cloud security is essential to ensure your organization stays ahead of potential threats.

Ultimately, cloud security is all about ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of cloud-based resources and data while minimizing the risks associated with cloud computing.

Latest developments in cloud computing

trends in cloud computing

Cloud computing is a rapidly evolving technology transforming how businesses and organizations manage their IT infrastructure. In recent years, we’ve seen significant developments in cloud computing that have led to greater flexibility, scalability, and cost savings for users.

Are you keeping up with the latest trends in cloud computing? It can be hard to keep track of all the new features and products being released, but it’s crucial to stay on top of what’s happening in this rapidly evolving industry. In this blog post, we’ll look at the latest buzz around cloud computing, including new features from major providers and exciting innovations to watch out for. Whether you’re a cloud expert or just getting started, there’s something here for everyone. So, let’s dive in!

Trends in Cloud Computing 

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has taken great strides in the past few years, with cloud technology leading the change. With cloud computing, AI development is faster, more secure, and more scalable than ever. This has enabled developers to quickly create algorithms that can take on more complex tasks such as natural language processing, computer vision, and analytics. 

By leveraging this powerful combination of sophisticated software algorithms and powerful cloud computing capabilities, researchers have made massive advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning research that were previously impossible – making way for an even brighter future for artificial intelligence and machine learning. Some AI-based industries boosted by cloud advancements include predictive analytics, personalized healthcare, and antivirus models.

Cloud Gaming

The gaming industry is one of the most advanced sectors in leveraging the potential of cloud technology. It has revolutionized how game developers work and how gamers access their favorite video games. For example, streaming services such as Google Stadia and Microsoft Xbox have allowed gamers to instantly access sophisticated games without needing a console or powerful PC. Similarly, cloud-based development platforms are creating a faster rate of innovation for developers, offering them more powerful tools to make innovative and exciting content.

Cloud storage has been an essential factor driving the advancements in gaming technology by allowing gamers to easily save files, characters, and progressions while playing on different devices. Cloud computing is further being used to integrate virtual reality with the gaming industry, poised to unlock great opportunities for gamers soon. Thus, it can be seen that cloud technology has undoubtedly enhanced user experience within the gaming industry.

Multi-Cloud Solutions

Multi-cloud solutions represent a powerful advancement in the way businesses manage their data. As the amount of data organizations produce increases, multi-cloud solutions offer an effective, efficient way to store and access this information. Multi-cloud enables companies to store data across multiple cloud provider platforms while affording them flexibility as they scale up or down over time without disrupting their workflow. 

It also minimizes costs since businesses don’t have to incur fees with just one provider or manage all their data on-site. Additionally, with these solutions, businesses can obtain strong security capabilities, reassuring customers that their data is reliably protected. There are many advantages for businesses looking for an efficient way to manage their increasing storage requirements, and multi-cloud solutions are proving to be the ideal solution.

Remote and Hybrid working

Cloud advancements have revolutionized the way businesses and working professionals approach remote working. Not only has it enabled transitioning to remote work with greater ease and speed than ever before, but advances in cloud storage have created greater opportunities for collaboration, communication, and monitoring of project progress while working outside of an office setting. 


For example, cloud-based programs like Dropbox and Google Drive make it easy to share documents among distributed teams with version control systems, while video conferencing solutions such as Zoom help teams stay connected so that workers can feel the same sense of community and team spirit found in a traditional workplace. Thanks to these new technologies, those who were once confined by location can now tap into distant opportunities, enabling them to capitalize on their skill sets from anywhere in the world.

Benefits of Advancements in Cloud Computing
benefits of cloud computing

As businesses worldwide increasingly rely on cloud computing, the need to utilize modern cloud computing services is becoming increasingly critical. The trends in cloud computing are towards increased use of cloud infrastructure and services. Smaller companies can access enterprise-level resources, and larger companies require greater scalability and speed in an increasingly competitive market. Cloud solutions allow businesses of all sizes to operate with improved efficiency, cost savings, and the ability to quickly deploy updated technology across distributed networks – making it essential for any business hoping to succeed in our digital world.

Get buy-in for your data modernization initiative

If you want to convince your top management to get buy-in for your data modernization initiatives, you are in the right place. 

Let’s brainstorm on how we can achieve this. When you want to convince someone of your idea to modernize, you must be prepared to answer all the questions the decision-makers may have. Here are some:

What is the scope of data modernization you are talking about?

When you say ‘modernization,’ you could be talking about:

Whatever your goal, it is essential to explain it clearly — the receiving end should know WHAT CHANGE you are trying to make for the betterment of your organization.

What are the problems your business faces with legacy systems?

Frame the problem statement. Since the Stone Age, necessity has been the mother of all inventions. So, build a strong case for why you need to modernize your organization’s data platform.

  • Data security issues or compliance risks your company faces since your legacy platform is not designed to tackle modern-day problems. 
  • Your database/source might be incompatible with modern applications.
  • Inability to address customer demands and ever-changing business requirements, which necessitates a modernized data environment.
  • Troubleshooting legacy systems is not easy as the type of issues that old data setups have are difficult to tackle. Moreover, you may not have readymade solutions from the service provider handling your data.
  • Another critical reason is finding the right talent pool — getting new-generation developers to work on legacy systems is challenging. Most developers look for a modernized tech stack to work.

    Your business may have more biting problems by following traditional data systems & approaches — bring those challenges out on the table! 

What benefits would your organization or business reap from data modernization?

Of course, the benefits depend on the nature of your business and what you’re trying to achieve through data modernization.

But, the expected benefits that any organization can count on receiving through data modernization would be:

  • The enhanced support you get from the modernized platform
  • Modernized databases and solutions are designed with data privacy, security & performance in mind and ensure higher efficiency
  • Get on-demand services at reduced costs, as you pay only for what you need. The data market is highly competitive, so solution providers ensure you get cost-effective solutions. You don’t have to pay for additional solutions that your business may not need. Find out which data solution your business needs and whether your solution provider can cater to the needs within your budget. Mention these factors as critical information during your meeting.  

  • You can even leverage more resources or cancel resources for specific data solutions. This kind of elasticity definitely will kindle the interest of your management .
  • Organizational transformation

Are you talking the language of successful people?

Now, we’re not talking about using a new language. It’s about the universally known language — numbers and statistics to impact how others understand your business proposals. 

Thats right! Numbers are critical in decision-making. It will be much better if you have data about how your competitor benefited from data modernization or even how your industry is benefiting. Many research organizations like Gartner and PWC publish free articles that you can use to substantiate your goals.

Also, when you explain your proposal to modernize your data setup, you must explain what the project will mean for your organization regarding numbers.

The best thing to do is to talk about how much you will save costs through data modernization. Any decision maker would need to know about your company’s return on investments (ROI) before they nod to anything new or consider the proposal brought to them.

How do you plan to achieve data modernization?

It’s time to talk about the crux of it.

  • What data solution are you proposing?
  • Delivery method – Is data modernization going to be achieved by your own company, or does it have to be outsourced?
  • Get a full-length program plan if your company will do the data modernization.

    For instance, if you are doing a database migration.

    Done! Now that you have everything you need to get your top management interested in data modernization, you are all set to go!

Refactor Legacy Systems Without Risks

Strangler fig pattern

The strangler fig pattern is about incrementally migrating from a legacy system to a modern one. We gradually replace the functional blocks of a system with new blocks, strangle the older system’s functionalities one by one, and eventually replace everything with a new system. Once the older system is entirely strangled, it can be decommissioned.

When to use a strangler fig pattern

You can use this pattern when gradually migrating from a back-end application to a new architecture. The strangler fig pattern may not be suitable if the requests to the back-end system cannot be intercepted. When dealing with smaller systems without much complexity, it’s better to go for a wholesale replacement rather than choosing this pattern.

Here’s how you can implement the strangler fig pattern:


Given below is an example of legacy code and architecture, where all the modules are tightly coupled, and it is hard to maintain them in the same condition with upcoming modern technology.
Here, the loan service contains three services: personal, partner, and business loans.

Code Snippet:

We choose the personal loan method as the first to refactor. It could be unreliable, inefficient, outdated, or even hard to get skilled developers to maintain the same legacy code.

Let’s make a new implementation for the personal loan service and divide it into separate classes or even a microservice. After correcting or refactoring our code snippet, we can create a Proxy class for handling both new and old approaches.

We have developed a new API with a separate database. Initially, all services used a shared database, but as part of code refactoring, the personal loan module had to be decoupled from the existing database. The same applies to the API endpoint.

Coexist: where two implementations coexist together.

Here we have extracted another layer abstraction from the loan service and made it coexist with the original service. Both services provide the same functionality, and the signature of the services is also the same. The proxy will decide whether the call goes to a new API or an existing service.

Run new service with a fallback of old service: In such a scenario, we always have a safety buffer if the new one fails.

Run both services and compare the output to confirm whether the new one works fine. In such a scenario, to avoid duplicate loans or transactions, we should turn off all external references and assume that we accept loan data only from one source.

Use a feature flag to decide whether to use the new API or the old one. Here in the configuration, we can set a flag, and it will choose how the call will work — whether with legacy API or with Newly developed service.


While refactoring, we might miss some tests, or the existing tests might be heavy to maintain. The proxy service created helps us ensure that the implementation completely covers the old one.

Let’s implement integration or even e2e tests, where we test observable behaviors instead of implementation details. Remember that anything we refactor or change should have a certain level of test coverage. The better the coverage, the more confidence we get in how the code works. If the refactoring code does not contain enough tests, we should start by covering it and writing test cases for all features, behaviors, and edge cases.

We should start testing the Proxy class if unit tests cannot cover the code. Sometimes e2e tests might be the only way to cover both implementations.


Once we catch up and mitigate all the problems in the new approach, we can eliminate the legacy code. Hereafter, the personal loan module directly approaches the new API.


We can split code refactoring into multiple iterations and releases. If we are uncertain whether the new approach will work exactly as expected, we can prepare a fallback mechanism. So, if the new approach doesn’t work, we can quickly switch to the legacy one. This method gives us a security buffer to use for safe refactoring.

How Cloud Adoption Elevates Customer Experience

Customer experience (CX) or customer satisfaction is a critical driver in today’s business success and is directly proportional to product or service quality. CX is so important that many companies focus more on this than on their products and services. Leading organizations are constantly fine-tuning and enriching their customer journeys. Some have already begun leveraging data they’ve collected over the years to build customer journeys driven by experiences.

Sometimes businesses with good customer satisfaction and retention rates prefer to continue using traditional methods to deliver customer experiences. But when these businesses scale up and try to meet increasing demand, providing a good customer experience through conventional methods will be a hard lift. Since traditional methods cannot adapt fast enough to meet new-age customer needs, businesses should be flexible to meet the expectations of modern customers in this digital-first world.

Providing quick and fulfilling customer service across the customer life cycle requires omnichannel engagement. This rapid transformation cannot be made possible without the help of the cloud.

A good business understands that data drives customer experience. When information is in silos, it prevents innovation in customer service. Delivering new products and services is nearly impossible without sharing data within a business’s different units. There’s an urgent need to predict customer service demands and act accordingly, and that cannot be done without data.

Role of Cloud Computing


A well-designed and structured cloud ecosystem empower businesses to cater continuously to evolving customer expectations. Additionally, it enables the seamless integration of software tools into a company’s existing technology. Such integration is valuable as it eliminates the challenges due to data silos and disconnected applications.

Agile resources

Cloud computing enables agility of resources, speeds up innovation, and is economical. Instead of maintaining a big infrastructure in their premises, businesses can leverage the agile resources from cloud providers, mix and match to create an ecosystem, and pay only for what they use.

Data analytics

All of the customers’ data is stored on the cloud. Businesses can leverage this massive amount of data with various data analysis tools to make informed decisions in real-time.

Seamless omnichannel

There are multiple ways customers can interact with businesses like email, websites, phone calls, and chatbots. Cloud can bridge the communication gaps between these various channels and provide access from a single platform without switching between apps. Thus customer service representatives can focus better and be more productive.

Customer experience management

With the help of decision and recommendation engines, employees can take appropriate actions to improve the customer journey. Operational data can be used to tailor experiences directly to customers’ preferences.

Customer focus

Constantly monitoring customer needs and following up with customers is crucial to understanding customer demands. Cloud-based support helps to cater to this and offers quick services according to the demands.

Software development life cycle

Traditionally software development is done on local machines and then deployed to QA, staging, and production environments. This approach has chances of deployment failures due to compatibility issues, and rectification is time-consuming and costly. Whereas in the case of cloud-based applications, the development, testing, and deployment all happen in the cloud environment. Cloud-based application development unloads the burden of infrastructure maintenance of servers and environments, including their backups and disaster recovery schedules.



Benefits of leveraging cloud services


In cloud-based application development, cloud service providers are responsible for hosting and managing your hardware, data, and everything you use in the cloud environment. As a business, you have to pay for the resources you use, and you can quickly scale up and down on these resources based on your need. This ensures cost effectiveness, better availability, and faster release cycles of your applications. A speedier release cycle means including experience improvement features faster and improving customer experience.


Every business needs to focus on providing the best customer experience quotient to survive and grow in a competitive market. For an enterprise of the future, the cloud is an essential foundation for delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Modern Perspective to Modernization

As the tech world continues to gravitate toward digital modernization, cloud-based platforms, and consistently updated applications, businesses of all shapes and sizes need to take a modern approach to sharing data. A modern approach to data sharing includes accounting for the ever-evolving landscape of data security and the technology that makes it possible.

Overall, it should be straightforward for people to share data in a way that boasts security and efficiency, and cloud applications are bringing that idea to life. Sharing data externally is proving to be highly beneficial from a financial standpoint.

The Modernization of Company Technology

Most companies understand that successfully competing in a digital age demands flexible and scalable IT systems. Experimenting with data sharing and the applications or cloud platforms that work best for your business is expected and allows for quick changes that won’t derail projects and workflows.

As a result of this experimentation, businesses on a global scale began to launch programs that focus on modernizing their technology and legacy systems, concentrating on rethinking the modernization process and how they should go about it. A vital component to digitally transforming a business is realizing the potential impact of sharing data in real-time. Real-time sharing of data and analytics is crucial to the modern approach to utilizing data insights.

Relying only on internal data is no longer sufficient. However, if companies can make the correct data information available to the right people, collaborations begin to form, and valuable insights and knowledgeable input can improve business decision-making.

Modernizing company technology can have an incredible impact on many industries where data in real-time is crucial to quality assurance, including food sourcing, customer experience, aviation safety, and efficient global supply chains. There isn’t an industry on Earth that won’t see improvements from sharing data in real-time because it enhances the ability to make educated decisions faster.

Improving How We Share Data

Several ways exist to improve how companies share their data with trusted sources. Blockchain technology, for example, is a distributed database that enforces secure and tamper-proof transactions. It’s a valuable tool for securely sharing data without bringing in a third party’s services.

Businesses could also consider improving their data-sharing capabilities through the use of the cloud, a prevalent way for most companies to modernize the way they share data without completely breaking down the current systems they have in place. Cloud storage creates an avenue for organizations to share and store large amounts of data and files without worrying about the amount of available storage space or limitations to the bandwidth.

With cloud storage, you can access business data from anywhere as long as you have approved login information. With the surge of remote workers and hybrid work environments across the globe, businesses have taken to operating on cloud platforms and updating their current systems to improve how their employees can log into work servers. It’s also easy to track logins, adding another layer of safety to the data-sharing strategy.

The data-sharing process has to begin somewhere, and instead of discussing the challenges that process can bring, we’ll focus on how to improve our understanding. To modernize the ways in which we share data, we must first grasp the importance of the API, fully comprehending the API journey.

Understanding the API Journey

Everyone has probably come across the acronym “API” at some point in their business journey, primarily if they have an online presence. API stands for application programming interfaces, and they’ve become a vital component of modernizing digitally for most businesses. APIs allow companies to link data and systems, playing a massive role in responsiveness and adaptability.

Still, it takes skill and expertise to implement APIs properly, and things can get messy when done incorrectly. When APIs are poorly executed, companies will find redundancies and limited transparency, adding confusion instead of clarity to how we share data. It’s crucial not to get caught up in wasting time rebuilding and replacing legacy systems by adding APIs without a plan, causing regression rather than progression.

Instead, understanding the API journey begins with defining the APIs our businesses need to build, fully comprehending which data needs real-time access and which employees and team members (and sometimes third parties) need access to that data. APIs are the bridge between the various systems that provide access to information.

APIs are relatively flexible, so choosing which ones to build can be overwhelming, with API tests taking up more time than you’d prefer. You must begin with enabling solutions that will provide your company with a solid technical foundation while improving your customers’ journey. Develop your APIs based on the goals you have for your business and how you intend to modernize those goals.

A great example is a traditional bank competing with a technologically advanced fintech by building an API that enhances its customer experience. Introduce efficiency to your consumer base through API architecture wherever possible.

Managing APIs

Building APIs and successfully managing them are two very different things. If a company has a large number of APIs, a solution to manage said APIs makes sense. API management is a way to centralize your APIs, simultaneously keeping your services secure while sharing necessary documentation and data.

Managing your APIs should include a gateway, developer portal, and analytics dashboard for consistent real-time monitoring. API management solutions can help you keep track of your website traffic, connections, security measures, and errors. An API management solution can be tricky to implement, and you must consider additional security layers for exposed systems, rigid access control regulations, lifecycle management, and maintenance.

Properly building APIs and employing them at their full potential is a long road full of challenges. The orchestration and security implementations alone can be time-consuming and frustrating, and onboarding and integrating new partners and systems doesn’t help alleviate the stress of enforcing a new API architecture.

Sharing data in real-time means growing your partner network, which comes with a load of technical work to function so that you can begin to recognize the value of the data presented. APIs are a fantastic data-sharing approach but don’t come without risk, effort, and extensive costs. It’s not uncommon for many businesses, primarily those short on time and funding, to struggle with constructing and working with API IT systems.

A Modern Twist on Traditional APIs

Most businesses today are driven by data, and many have begun to rethink the API approach to sharing said data. Overall, the API approach needs an upgrade to ensure data consistency, especially when various data sources are involved.

Earlier in this article, we mentioned cloud-based data sharing (a standard and typically fast replacement for legacy systems), but we also touched on the concept of blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is dripping with potential, but business leaders must recognize its limits when scaling storage, bandwidth, and power computing. However, connecting blockchain technology to cloud infrastructure could be the modern solution to a technology that would raise the bar for data sharing if it were serverless.

Serverless functions take away the complications within infrastructures that blockchain technologies typically present. Serverless functions provide the perfect solution for unlimited (but costly) computing resources, with no single infrastructure management necessary. With serverless functions, you can scale down resources when they’re not in use, making them on-demand and, therefore, more convenient than they’ve ever been before.

The combination of Blockchain and serverless technology presents a myriad of powerful capabilities. It’s essentially a way to scale data and provide business leaders with a solution entirely native to the cloud, employing desirable aspects like unlimited storage and never-ending networking capabilities.

Scalability and flexibility are must-haves concerning solutions that assist companies in data sharing. Flexible solutions allow storing data from different sources without creating competition for resources. It’s revolutionary.

The combination of serverless and cloud technology provides an innovative answer for companies that want to share data through various organizations. It presents the ability to focus on building applications driven by value and consumer preferences, demands, and expectations.

Business network participants could share data externally, with plenty of access control, in real-time. The number of doors this opportunity opens up is endless, and there is no need to dedicate precious resources to resolving and managing the consistent string of problems that comes with the (often incorrect) building of API architecture

Sharing Data from a Modern Perspective

The modern implementation of data-sharing solutions should be time-consuming. Modernizing technology was once an endeavor that took business leaders years to achieve, but collectively, we’re not there anymore. To modernize successfully, look to the tools that can help your business advance, share data externally and safely, and explore the full potential you have to create a partner ecosystem that works for you.

The idea of digital modernization is to get there faster but also in an efficient manner. Building the API architectures of yesterday is looking more and more like the modernization of the past with each passing day. However, combining serverless and Blockchain technology is the modern approach to data sharing that we’ve all been waiting for.

Business Transformation Enabled by Accelerated Engineering

Business Transformation

There are many types of business transformation. In fact, businesses cannot survive without accepting that transformation is inevitable. The very basis of transforming a business lies in making fundamental changes to the way you conduct your business to cope with shifts within your industry or marketplace.

However, it’s safe to say that “making fundamental change” is an incredibly narrow definition of business transformation. The willingness to evolve is essential for business survival. Of course, transforming a business isn’t restricted to enhancing the customer journey and remaining relevant among the competition, but it also pertains to navigating ever-evolving regulatory complexities.

Types of Business Transformation

Modern engineering continues to fuel many business transformations across the board. In general, a business might go through six types of change. Though it’s common for business transformation to stem from digital technologies, it is much more than replacing current systems.

Business leaders need to remember that they must give all areas of transformation a proper amount of attention to pull off successful changes. Here are a few aspects to keep an eye on when guiding through a business transformation encouraged by accelerated engineering.

Organization Transformation

A proper business transformation begins with refocusing and redesigning the structure of a company and its operational mode. This process is ever-evolving and should emphasize the employees, conducted by general management. Transformation can only occur if management is supportive and entirely on board with the transformation process.

Management Transformation

As how we work continues to evolve, new generations are redefining the structures within internal relations. Rigid systems tend to hinder growth, and a good leadership model collaborates forces and quickly adapts to future changes. Management transformation can keep and foster natural talent, so organizations must pay close attention to it.

Cultural Transformation

One of the most challenging aspects of business transformation is cultural transformation because it involves a complete company-wide change in mindset. Implementing a new corporate culture is only feasible after a managerial change in perspective and an established, concrete company culture vision.

Digital Transformation

One of the most significant transformations a company will even attempt is digital transformation. To pull off a successful digital transformation, companies must rethink their business models from a digitally strategic perspective. Here, you’ll decide how modern technology can improve your products, services, and every aspect of your customer journey.

Information Systems Transformation

The core of business transformation lies in the evolution of its information systems. Technologies, processes, and staff are all part of transforming information systems, and integrating new technologies can help bring in a flood of new data for teams to analyze and share across departments.

Transformation of Business Processes

Before you transform your business processes, you have to know which business processes need improvement. Understanding your company’s aspects that need progress is a crucial step toward efficiency. Make sure you weigh the options and choose the path that will save time and resources. For example, the automation of repetitive tasks can free up employee time and allows them to focus on core business processes, such as customer service, instead.

How Modern Engineering Enables Business Transformation

While every company must thoroughly explore the path they take to business transformation, hitting on every aspect along the way, there is no question that we’re living in a digital age. All companies in almost any industry must reimagine themselves as a version of a software company.

The refusal to modernize while embracing cloud transformation and modern engineering practices is a survival risk. We must focus on the value of the conversion instead of what it will cost. There are specific principles and practices that companies need to transform into a business that’s incredibly profitable and productive.

Choosing to Transform Development Operations (DevOps)

There’s no question that development operations correlate to increased profitability. When companies can transform development and operations departments from a digital and accelerated engineering perspective, they’re more likely to exceed in market share and profitability. So, how can you achieve this level of transformation, bringing in profitability that will change so many things for your business?

The short answer is simple. You’ve got to focus on the six fundamental aspects of transformation and create a business-aligned, customer-focused product team that can focus on optimizing value with the proper organizational change and modern engineering practices.

There are some essential components to DevOps that you must understand before embarking on company-wide transformations, particularly in how they apply to any changes enabled by accelerated engineering.

Business Transformation

Understanding Flow Metrics and Value Stream Mapping

Value stream mapping weaves seamlessly with your daily flow by delivering value to your customers. Your company has to know the steps it must take to provide value to your consumer base and helps you to understand how long it will take to process something versus how long you’ll have to wait. Value stream mapping provides an efficient timeline.

Measuring the efficiency of your workflow is a must-have work aspect and a much-discussed topic in the DevOps community. To keep your workflow moving along correctly, you’ll have to categorize your work, your statuses, and your key metrics should include:

The Process from Project to Product

To transform a business, it’s crucial to have a solid operating model in place. The most significant shift in any transformation is from a project to a product. It’s much easier to embrace the ways of development operations without expansive project plans and partial resources. When team members are not assigned to various projects and value streams, they can focus on business alignment and customer focus for one specific task, which in this case, is turning a project into a product.

A product team consists of varying departments. These include:

Business Transformation

Transforming Your Organization Today

Digital transformation is more important now than ever, but to transform a company based on accelerated engineering means improving productivity and shifting to product-based teams while employing modern engineering practices.

Creating and Executing an Actionable Digital Transformation Strategy in Healthcare

Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Digital transformation is the process of adding the latest digital technologies to improve how a business works.  Healthcare organizations will perform better by employing updated technology, and most of them are dealing with this shift by creating and implementing digital strategies. For healthcare leaders, this means creating a plan to update clinical workflows using technology, resulting in improved patient outcomes.

In this post, we will guide you in finding the right digital technology that best fits your organization’s vision and delivers better patient outcomes.

Going for Smart Digital System for the Future

Digital transformation is important for organizations. It helps them improve their services and meet the needs of their clients. But it is not always easy to find the right technology to meet your specific needs. That’s why it’s essential to understand your organization’s requirements before making the big move to a “digital first” model.

Healthcare organizations should regularly investigate how to deliver the best quality of care and be more efficient when it comes to customer experiences. Many times, this includes a review of the technology that is being used. Technology has revolutionized every industry, and healthcare is no different. By updating technology, you can simplify your organization’s workflows, leading to improved patient outcomes.

The first thing to develop is a clear understanding of what your organization wants to achieve. Are you looking to improve client engagement? Is there a loophole in your operations that’s draining your resources? Once you identify these problems, you will be better able to map out a plan for digital solutions.

If you plan to improve client engagement, you can start by implementing patient portals. It could be an all-in-one platform where patients can immediately access their health information. From here, they can contact their chosen healthcare professional when concerns arise.

Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Once you establish a clear direction, it’s time to search for reliable technology partners. This is crucial since you want to make sure you’re working with the right people and have the right team who can address the organization’s issues. Look for technologies that have a good track record of successful projects with other organizations.

Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Find Technology that Fits

Data-driven decisions will help in the organization’s sustainability. Access to data is essential to making informed decisions and investing in the right technology combined with strategy.

The use of data analytics will help your team understand how your patients use the portal and the features they find most notable. Then, your team pairs this with technology and works on areas needing improvement.

Using data gives you information about the clinical interventions that are most efficient. You will find other aspects of care across the board that technology can solve.

When you use this information to make sound decisions, the digital transformation can go smoothly and help your healthcare organization to reach its goals.

Bolder Vision with KPIs

Executive health leaders must anchor decisions based on the organization’s ‘North Star.’ By doing this, organizations work on establishing a sustainable case for their business. Without this, it would be challenging to stay committed because of leadership misalignment.

Establishing a clear vision for digital transformation is pivotal for your organization. Furthermore, it will help set goals and KPIs to check the business strategy.

KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are crucial tools any organization should employ. It further helps track your digital transformation strategy’s performance, progress, success, and loopholes.

To improve patient engagement, you can use KPIs showing the frequency of use, patient satisfaction, and the number of booked appointments online. KPIs also help track the technology’s performance and adjust strategies as needed.

Joining Strategy and Technology Together

In the early planning stages, your organization should have already identified the technology that best fits the plan to put in place. During this phase, having key personnel identify their goals with technology will help you to start planning.

Also, with KPIs, digital transformation will help create scalable but realistic outcomes. Each step of this strategy will need a technology perspective, from doing research to roadmap creation.

Put technology to the test

Having a plan beforehand will help make a smoother transition from traditional to digital.

Establishing clear guidelines and responsibilities will help guide the team in what needs to be done and where they need to go. It also allows them to move more in implementing new initiatives with less confusion. The goal is to ensure everyone is on the same page and working toward a shared goal.

Once strategies are already in place, it’s time to put technology to the test before rolling it out for public use. Have a plan to test the digital platform and check for the efficiency of its functions. A process should be in place to help collect feedback and make changes moving forward.

Ensure holistic and technology support

Improving strategies and processes is crucial to your organization’s success. But, pairing this with the right technology makes it easier to scale your business.

With new initiatives, healthcare organizations need suitable infrastructures to support these endeavors. Organizations thrive with the right software, hardware, and networking capacities.

Like infrastructures, having the right people will help your organization adapt to these changes. Working with a reliable team of IT professionals will help. They can provide tech help and assist with installation during your digital transformation that aligns with your organization’s goals.

Progress Shouldn’t Be Delayed

Delaying digital transformation for your business means losing to the competition. Creating a clear strategy and plan ensures your business is up to date in addressing modern healthcare needs.

Incorporating digital technology is essential. Why? It ensures interactions are kept afloat, especially in the healthcare system. Key persons need to prepare for the future by taking the time to create strategies to solve current issues facing healthcare. Leveraging digital strategies ensures exponential growth and better management of resources.


We know that the healthcare system is shifting with the times. And for healthcare systems to stay ahead of the curve, adapting technology is the key to sustainability. And with it, businesses can have more room for growth in the future.

Digital transformation is a journey, not a destination. As you embark on this journey, it’s essential to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

The key is to find what works best for your organization and your patients. Use technology as leverage and a means to help your organization achieve success faster with fewer downtimes and costs.

By pairing a clear strategy with technology in mind, you can ensure that your healthcare organization is prepared for the future.

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