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June, 2023

Embracing Human Journeys for Lasting Customer Experiences

human experience - tvs next

When it comes to human experience, businesses often prioritize progress and efficiency, striving to optimize processes and maximize outcomes. However, in this pursuit, there is a risk of losing sight of the human element—the intricate and often unpredictable journeys customers embark on. By shifting the focus from progress to embracing authenticity and genuine human connection, companies can create meaningful and lasting experiences that resonate with customers on a deeper level.

The Human Touch in Customer Experience

human experience

Embracing Emotional Connections

Customers are not just transactions but individuals with emotions, desires, and values. Recognizing and understanding the emotional aspects of their journeys allows businesses to connect with customers more profoundly. By fostering empathy, actively listening, and holistically addressing their customers’ needs, companies can create an emotional bond beyond mere transactions.

Authenticity and Trust

In a world saturated with marketing messages, customers crave authenticity. When businesses prioritize building genuine relationships over pushing sales, trust is established. By consistently delivering on promises, being transparent, and valuing open communication, companies can foster the trust that forms the foundation of long-term customer loyalty.

Empowering Customer Voice

Customers want to be heard and have their opinions valued. By actively seeking feedback, whether through surveys, reviews, or social media, businesses demonstrate their commitment to understanding and meeting customer expectations. Empowering customers to contribute to shaping products, services, and experiences creates a sense of ownership and strengthens the bond between the customer and the brand.

Nurturing Moments of Delight

Human journeys are filled with small moments that have the potential to create lasting memories. Businesses can create positive associations and leave a lasting impression by focusing on delighting customers at various touchpoints along their journey. It could be a personalized message, a surprise gift, or simply going the extra mile to exceed expectations. These small acts of thoughtfulness have the power to turn customers into brand advocates.

Resolving Issues with Empathy

No journey is without its challenges. When customers encounter issues or problems, how a company responds can make all the difference. By approaching these situations with empathy, actively listening, and working towards a satisfactory resolution, businesses can turn a negative experience into an opportunity to strengthen the customer relationship. Demonstrating a genuine concern for the customer’s well-being and taking responsibility for rectifying any issues builds trust and loyalty.


In a customer-centric world, businesses must shift their focus from internal processes to the journeys customers undertake. Companies can build deeper connections, deliver personalized experiences, and cultivate long-term loyalty by understanding and prioritizing human journeys. In a world where progress often overshadows the human touch, organizations prioritizing the authenticity of these journeys will succeed in building strong and loyal customer relationships. Ultimately, it is the human element that makes customer experiences genuinely remarkable and memorable. By placing the customer and their emotions at the forefront, organizations can differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace and build lasting relationships that drive success.

Mastering DesignOps: Roles and Partnerships for Success

The expression “DesignOps” originates from DevOps, a cooperative method in software development and systems management that focuses on automation, agility and efficiency. And DesignOps is a discipline that focuses on the operational aspects of design, aiming to improve the efficiency, collaboration, and overall effectiveness of design teams. DesignOps roles and partnerships in UI/UX can vary from organization to organziation, depending its specific needs. However, here are some typical roles and partnerships you may find in DesignOps:

DesignOps Manager / Lead

This role is responsible for overseeing the DesignOps function within an organization. They work closely with design teams, project managers, and other stakeholders to develop and implement efficient design processes, tools, and systems. They also ensure the design team has the necessary resources and support to deliver high-quality work on time.

Design Program Manager

A Design Program Manager works closely with cross-functional teams to manage and coordinate design initiatives and projects. They help define project goals, allocate resources, track progress, and ensure timely delivery of design outcomes. They also facilitate communication and collaboration between design teams and other departments, such as engineering, product management, and marketing.

Design Systems Manager

Design Systems Managers are responsible for developing and maintaining design systems, which are collections of reusable components, guidelines, and assets that ensure consistency and efficiency across different design projects. They collaborate with designers, developers, and other stakeholders to define design standards, create design libraries, and document guidelines for design implementation.

UX Research Operations

UX Research Operations professionals support the research efforts of the design team. They assist in organizing and managing user research studies, recruiting participants, coordinating research logistics, and analyzing & sharing research findings. They work closely with UX researchers and designers to ensure smooth and effective research processes.

Design Tooling Specialist

Design Tooling Specialists focus on selecting, implementing, and maintaining design tools and software that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of design workflows. They stay current with the latest design tools and technologies and work closely with designers to provide training, support, and guidance on tool usage.

Partnerships in DesignOps typically involve collaboration with other departments and roles, such as:

Product Managers

DesignOps professionals work closely with product managers to align design processes with product development goals, define design requirements, and ensure that design work supports the overall product strategy.

Engineering Teams

Collaboration with engineering teams is essential for integrating design workflows with the development process. DesignOps professionals partner with engineers to establish effective handoff processes, ensure smooth implementation of designs, and address any technical constraints or challenges.

Marketing and Branding Teams

DesignOps professionals collaborate with marketing and branding teams to align design efforts with the organization’s brand guidelines, messaging, and marketing strategies. They work together to ensure consistent visual identity and messaging across different touchpoints.

Project Managers

Project managers are crucial in coordinating design projects and managing timelines and resources. DesignOps professionals collaborate closely with project managers to define project goals, allocate design resources, track progress, and ensure successful project delivery.

It’s important to note that the specific roles and partnerships in DesignOps can vary depending on the organization’s size, structure, and industry. Some organizations may have dedicated DesignOps teams, while others may integrate DesignOps responsibilities within existing roles or departments.

Effective software testing strategies for the financial sector

The world of financial services is going through a lot of changes as a result of technological improvements and digitization. The banking industry is heavily reliant on technologically enhanced products, and in order to provide high-quality client service, it is crucial that these products be reliable and performant. Additionally, it is essential that all operations carried out by banking software proceed without hitches and without errors to guarantee safe and secure transactions, this raises the need for effective software testing strategies for the financial sector.

Applications created for the banking and financial industries typically have to adhere to a fairly tight set of standards. It results from the necessity of addressing the legal requirements that financial institutions must adhere to. Because they have power over the clients’ money. All these criteria, as well as the fundamental functional needs of banking software, should be taken into account when evaluating banking software.

Why do we need software testing in the financial sector?

The payment procedure could end in disaster if there are flaws or failures at any point. Hackers may be able to access and utilize private user data if a financial software program has a weakness. This is why financial institutions should place a high priority on end-to-end testing. It guarantees a great user experience, customer safety, program functionality, enough load time, and data integrity. For a variety of reasons, the financial sector needs software testing:

Regulatory reporting

Financial firms frequently have to submit reports and audits to regulatory agencies in order to comply with regulations. Effective software testing ensures the required data is correct, comprehensive, and accessible for reporting needs. By implementing effective testing practices, organizations can confidently comply with regulatory reporting obligations and avoid fines or legal repercussions.

Customer satisfaction

Financial organizations heavily depend on customer trust and satisfaction. Customer churn can be caused by malfunctioning software, transaction mistakes, or security breaches. An effortless and satisfying user experience is made possible by effective software testing, which helps find and fix problems before they affect customers. Financial institutions may preserve consumer confidence and contentment by providing dependable and secure software.

Cost savings

Resolving bugs early in the software development lifecycle often results in lower costs than doing so after they have been discovered in use. Software testing aids in the early identification of problems, lowering the cost of rework, system downtime, and assistance for customers. Organizations can optimize their infrastructure and resource allocation by using it to find performance bottlenecks and scalability problems.

Risk mitigation

The financial industry is intrinsically fraught with risks. Program testing helps to reduce these risks by verifying that the program performs complicated financial computations and transactions accurately and correctly. It assists in identifying and resolving possible problems that can lead to monetary losses, reputational harm, or non-compliance with risk management procedures.

What are the stages in software testing?

When testing software, there are three main stages:

stages in software testing

What Software Testing Strategies can be used in the financial sector?

Automation testing
Since they encounter various scenarios, most financial services applications need thorough testing. Test automation makes the process fluid and gets rid of any mistakes that could happen from manual testing. Automated test scripts and frameworks can be used for this.

Stress testing

Recreate high-stress situations to ascertain how the system will react in such circumstances. You can test the software’s robustness by subjecting it to high loads, quick transactions, or parallel user access. This aids in locating any possible flaws or failure locations.

Security testing

After evaluating the application’s functional and non-functional components, security testing is often considered near the end of the testing cycle. However, over time, the dynamics and procedures must evolve. Thanks to financial applications, millions of dollars can now be traded in the form of investments, goods, money, and other assets. This calls for proactive treatment of sensitive locations and close attention to financial breaches. By using security testing, you can look for issues and fix them in accordance with governmental and commercial regulations. Every platform, including mobile apps and internet browsers, is assisted in checking for vulnerabilities.
Regression testing
Regression testing is necessary as financial software is updated or improved to ensure that new changes don’t cause existing functionality to change or introduce new flaws. Create a comprehensive regression test suite that includes key features, and run regression tests often.
Performance testing
Applications for financial services are diversifying their market and product offerings, necessitating a greater understanding of the projected load on the application. Performance testing is, therefore, necessary throughout the entire development lifecycle. It aids in system load estimation, testing, and management, allowing for more appropriate application development.


Given the sensitivity of handling clients’ financial transactions, evaluating banking software and procedures is of the utmost importance. It necessitates technical mastery and a highly skilled team. Various software testing strategies, like security testing, performance testing, accessibility testing, API testing, and database testing, are essential alongside automated testing to guarantee the creation of error-free and superior apps.

Partnering with a professional software testing service provider like TVS Next might have considerable advantages for achieving thorough testing coverage and ensuring the greatest degree of quality assurance.

Machine Learning Trends for Financial and Healthcare Industries

Alex Thompson Data and AI June 5, 2023
machine learning trends

Machine learning (ML) has surfaced as a game-changing influence in multiple industries, dramatically reshaping the banking, financial services, and healthcare landscape. With its proficiency in processing large quantities of data and generating predictions, machine learning is progressively becoming more valuable. 

This blog will examine some of the most significant machine learning trends currently shaping the banking and financial services industry, including churn management, customer segmentation, underwriting, marketing analytics, regulatory reporting, and debt collection. We will also delve into the machine learning trends in healthcare sector, highlighting disease risk prediction, patient personalization, and automating de-identification.

These trends are supported by insights from leading market research firms like Gartner and Forrester and consulting firms like McKinsey, BCG, Accenture, and Deloitte.

ML Trends in Banking and Financial Service Industry

churn management

Churn management is a critical concern for banking and financial service providers. Machine learning algorithms can analyze customer behavior, transaction history, and interaction patterns to identify potential churn indicators. By detecting early signs of customer dissatisfaction, businesses can proactively engage customers and offer tailored solutions to retain them.

Example: Citibank implemented a machine learning system to predict customer churn by analyzing transactional data and customer interactions. This approach helped Citibank reduce customer churn by 20% and increase customer retention.

customer segmentation

Machine learning enables accurate customer segmentation, allowing banks and financial institutions to understand their customer base better. ML algorithms can analyze customer data, including demographics, transaction history, and online behavior, to identify distinct customer segments with specific needs and preferences. This information empowers businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns, personalized offerings, and tailored customer experiences.

Example: A leading financial institution employed machine learning to segment its customers based on their financial goals, spending patterns, and risk appetite. By tailoring their product offerings to each segment, the institution achieved a 15% increase in cross-selling and improved customer satisfaction.


In the banking and financial services industry, underwriting is a critical process for assessing loan applications and managing risk. Machine learning algorithms can analyze large amounts of data, including credit scores, financial statements, and historical loan data, to automate and enhance the underwriting process. ML-powered underwriting systems can provide faster and more accurate risk assessments, leading to efficient decision-making and improved loan portfolio quality.

Example: LendingClub, an online lending platform, utilizes machine learning to assess borrower creditworthiness. By analyzing various data points, such as income, credit history, and loan purpose, LendingClub’s machine learning models have improved loan approval accuracy and reduced default rates.

marketing analytics

Machine learning empowers banks and financial institutions to better understand customer behavior and preferences, enhancing marketing effectiveness. ML algorithms can analyze customer data, social media interactions, and campaign responses to identify trends, patterns, and customer preferences. This enables businesses to create targeted marketing strategies, optimize campaign performance, and improve customer acquisition and retention rates.

Example: Capital One employs machine learning to personalize marketing offers for credit card customers. By analyzing customer data, spending patterns, and demographic information, Capital One delivers tailored offers, resulting in increased response rates and improved customer engagement.

regulatory reporting

Regulatory compliance is a significant concern for banks and financial institutions. Machine learning can automate and streamline the regulatory reporting process by analyzing and extracting relevant information from vast amounts of data. ML algorithms can ensure accuracy, identify anomalies, and provide real-time insights, enabling timely compliance with regulatory requirements.

Example: JPMorgan Chase leverages machine learning for regulatory reporting by automating data extraction and verification. This approach has improved accuracy, reduced reporting errors, and increased operational efficiency.

debt collection

Machine learning can improve debt collection processes by identifying the most effective strategies and predicting the likelihood of repayment. ML algorithms can analyze customer payment history, communication patterns, and external data sources to prioritize collection efforts, tailor communication channels, and optimize resource allocation.

Example: American Express implemented machine learning algorithms to predict the likelihood of customers falling behind on payments. By proactively engaging at-risk customers and offering tailored payment plans, American Express reduced delinquency rates and improved collections efficiency.

ML Trends in Healthcare Industry

machine learning trends in healthcare

Machine learning algorithms can analyze large amounts of patient data, including medical records, genetics, and lifestyle factors, to accurately predict disease risks. By leveraging these predictions, healthcare providers can proactively intervene, develop personalized prevention plans, and improve patient outcomes.

Example: Google’s DeepMind developed a machine learning model to predict the risk of developing acute kidney injury (AKI). The model enabled healthcare professionals to identify at-risk patients earlier by analyzing patient data, allowing for timely intervention and reduced AKI incidence.

patient personalization

Machine learning enables personalized healthcare by analyzing patient data to tailor treatment plans, medication dosages, and therapies to individual characteristics and needs. This approach, known as precision medicine, improves patient outcomes and minimizes adverse effects.

Example: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center employed machine learning to personalize cancer treatment recommendations. The algorithm helped oncologists determine the most effective and personalized treatment plans by analyzing patient data, including genetic information and treatment history.

automating de-identification

To comply with privacy regulations, healthcare providers must de-identify patient data before sharing it for research or analysis. Machine learning can automate de-identification by accurately removing or encrypting personally identifiable information (PII) while preserving data utility.

Example: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) developed machine learning models to automate the de-identification of medical records. This approach increased efficiency, reduced human error, and ensured compliance with privacy regulations.


In conclusion, the financial services and healthcare industries are undergoing a significant transformation driven by machine learning technologies. As these machine learning trends evolve, we expect to see more sophisticated applications that enhance decision-making, improve operational efficiency, and deliver personalized customer experiences. By embracing machine learning, organizations in these sectors can unlock valuable insights from their data, streamline processes, and stay ahead of the competition.

However, it is essential for businesses to not only adopt these technologies but also invest in the necessary infrastructure, skilled workforce, and data management practices. This will ensure that they can fully harness the power of machine learning and capitalize on its potential to drive innovation and growth. As we move forward, the financial services and healthcare industries will undoubtedly continue to be at the forefront of machine learning advancements, setting new benchmarks for other sectors.

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